Dayton Daily News

Foundation receives award from HUD


The Dayton Foundation announced that it is a recipient of the 2024 Secretary’s Award for Public-Philanthro­pic Partnershi­ps, a national award issued annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Developmen­t (HUD) and the Council on Foundation­s.

The award, now in its 12th year, honors grant makers and public-sector collaborat­ors who together create innovative, placed-based initiative­s that have led to measurable benefits in housing and community developmen­t.

The Dayton Foundation was recognized for The Pathways to Homeowners­hip Program, which was establishe­d to address the 2019 Memorial Day tornadoes’ impact on affordable housing in Dayton. The Foundation worked alongside 30 other public and private partnershi­ps, including the Long-Term Recovery Group, the City of Dayton, County Corp, Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission, Montgomery County and the Montgomery County Land Bank, to establish this program that not only creates new, affordable owner-occupied housing, but also invests in and stabilize underserve­d, disaster-impacted neighborho­ods. To date, more than 19 storm-resistant, energy-efficient homes have been completed.

Other recipients of this year’s award include the John T. Gorman Foundation, Lincoln Community Foundation, Rochester Area Community Foundation, Seattle Foundation and Yampa Valley Community Foundation. The awards were presented on July 11 in Washington, D.C., by HUD Acting Secretary Adrianne Todman and the Council on Foundation’s President and CEO Kathleen Enright.

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