Dayton Daily News

Animal rescue director pleads not guilty to negligence charges

Sophia Kartsonis is director of Our Farm Sanctuary.

- Staff Report

Sophia Kartsonis, the director of the Our Farm Sanctuary animal rescue group, pleaded not guilty earlier this week in Miami County Municipal Court to five misdemeano­r counts alleging negligent behav- ior regarding companion animals, according to court records.

Miami County Animal Control officers seized 43 cats from the Bethel Twp. facility July 15 after com- plaints from present and past volunteers.

The charges against Kartsonis are second-degree misdemeano­rs that say no person who is the care- taker of a companion ani- mal shall negligentl­y “tor- ture, torment, or commit an act of cruelty against the companion animal,” or “deprive the compan- ion animal of necessary sustenance or confine (it) without supplying it ... with sufficient quantities of good, wholesome food and water . ... ”

Our Farm Sanctuary was founded in 2019, according to its website. The facility at 6595 Agenbroad Road between Tipp City and New Carlisle was home to a variety of abandoned animals. The OFS website said their “cat adoption floor and ‘catio’ housed over 100 adoptable cats and kittens.”

Animal control officers in cooperatio­n with the Miami County Sheriff’s Office served the search warrant July 15 according to Rob Craft, county ani- mal shelter director.

“While investigat­ing, offi- cers found over 100 cats, many of which had serious upper respirator­y infections, in unsanitary and overcrowde­d conditions,” according to Craft, who added that animal control officers warned Our Farm Sanctuary in both 2022 and 2023 after receiving complaints.

“Even with the best intentions, many times res- cues find themselves in a position where they are overwhelme­d and unable to provide quality care for their animals,” Craft said.

According to court records, a hearing is set for Monday, and an arraignmen­t for Tuesday. Derek Muncy, attorney for Kartsonis, sought an order preserving all evidence and sought discovery from prosecutor­s.

The cats seized will be available for adoption after they have received appropriat­e medical care, including spaying/neutering. Updates about adoptable cats will be posted at www.miamicount­yohio. gov/110/animalshel­ter.

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