Dayton Daily News


- By Dave Lamb Contributi­ng Writer

Name: Zack Gardner School: Springboro Grade: 2024 graduate Age: 17

Sports: Baseball

Claim to fame/honors: Named player of the year in Greater Western Ohio Conference; led conference with .484 average and 47 RBI in 28 games; led Panthers to 25-3 record (13-1 in GWOC); will play baseball at Clark State Community College

Bet you didn’t know … I’ve been dating my girlfriend since seventh grade

Words I live by: Be yourself

Toughest opponent:


Game-day rituals: I would never touch center field wall on our run to center before games ever since I can remember

What’s on my bedroom walls: American flag and Michigan state posters

When I’m bored I like to … go golfing or hang with my girlfriend

Favorite movie: Benchwarme­rs

Person who would play me in a movie: Leonardo DiCaprio

Favorite TV show: Smallville

Favorite musical artist:

Zach Bryan

I can’t live without: Baseball

I can live without: Winter

Event I’d like to attend: World Baseball Classic

Favorite home-cooked meal: Steak

Favorite restaurant: Texas Roadhouse Favorite smell: Fire Favorite cereal: Honey Nut Cheerios

Vegetable I won’t eat: I’ll eat them all

I’d love to trade places for a day with … nobody, I like my place here

Whose mind would I like to read? My dogs

Place where I’d love to travel? Australia and go fishing

Talent you’d like to have? Super flexibilit­y

Favorite school subject: Science

Favorite athlete: Bryce Harper

Favorite team: Reds/ Phillies

Favorite Olympic sport: World Baseball Classic

Something in the world I’d like to change: Gas prices

Favorite sports moment: 42

Favorite junk food:


Best thing about baseball: I get to play it for fun everyday

In 10 years, I hope to be … a baseball player or a pilot

Nominate an Athlete of the Week:

Send an email to freelance writer Dave Lamb at d_ Please include the athlete’s name, school, sport and a phone number or email address where we can reach that athlete. Please include Athlete of the Week in the subject line.

 ?? ?? Zack Gardner, Springboro
Zack Gardner, Springboro

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