Dayton Daily News

Managing credit cards when you grew up in a cash-only household

- By Sara Rathner NerdWallet

As you’re growing up, you learn about money from the people who raise you. Their lessons are based on their life experience­s, which means there’s likely some bias built in.

That’s not necessaril­y a bad thing — you may have a savvy aunt who taught herself to manage her own money after a divorce, or a parent who cautioned you about debt because they struggled to pay down theirs. Hearing their stories can spare you from making financial mistakes. Even with all that history, though, you’re likely to make some financial decisions that will cause your relatives to wince.

Credit cards in particular can be a touchy subject in families where older generation­s avoid them out of the fear of costly debt, while younger generation­s embrace them for their rewards and convenienc­e. Managing credit cards when it feels like you’re being “bad” can be difficult. Still, it’s totally OK to forge your own financial path based partially on family lore, and partially on your own goals and experience­s.

Approach credit cards with care

If you’re a first-generation credit card user, it’s essential to understand how they work — this includes learning about the types of credit cards available, how you’re billed and what happens if you get into debt. Beware of common credit card myths, like the idea that you should carry a small balance from month to month because it’s good for your credit score (there’s no need to pay interest for the sake of your credit score).

Start by using your first credit card for a basic expense or two each month, and be sure to pay the entire balance when it’s due. You can still use cash or a debit card for some expenses, and a credit card for others.

Gloria Garcia Cisneros, a certified financial planner in San Diego, recommends using technology to help you manage your card. Automate payments to avoid missing due dates, and take advantage of apps that track spending so you don’t have to do so manually in a spreadshee­t, she says. Also, create the habit of checking your credit card statements each month to review your spending, and avoid saving your credit card informatio­n on merchant websites so you’re less tempted to make impulse purchases.

Credit cards are more than a way to spend — they can help you establish your credit history, provide extra protection­s on purchases and can earn rewards on your everyday spending. Used carefully, credit cards can be a tool that helps you move toward other financial goals.

Examine the origins of your credit card beliefs

The messages you tell yourself about credit cards were installed in your mind long ago by loved ones who modeled certain behaviors. Credit card-related misconcept­ions and beliefs get passed down in families, especially when previous generation­s lived through difficult times.

Garcia Cisneros was raised by her grandparen­ts, who had widely different attitudes toward credit. “My grandpa was so against credit cards. He was like, ‘Cash under the mattress, cash is king,’” she says. Meanwhile, her grandmothe­r not only used cards, but also maxed them out. “I didn’t know which one was right or wrong. When I got my first credit card, it was an emotional, impulse decision.”

Even if you’ve been financiall­y independen­t for years, it’s hard to turn off that voice in your head that repeats relatives’ money beliefs that don’t match your current lifestyle. You can recognize why certain loved ones are credit card-averse, and use that family fear of debt as motivation to manage your credit cards thoughtful­ly.

Celebrate your progress

As you become more confident with your credit card use, keep an eye on your credit score and pat yourself on the back when you see it go up. After all, you’re not just managing your credit card wisely, you’re creating an entirely new money mindset.

If you make a mistake or have to deal with an emergency expense and get into debt, it doesn’t have to derail your money goals forever. “You can start over,” Garcia Cisneros says. “You always have tomorrow.”

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