Dayton Daily News

Play it safe: Know when to call a computer profession­al

- Eric Geier is the owner of On Spot Techs, a computer repair and IT services company offering on-site service at local homes and businesses. For more informatio­n, visit www.onspottech­ or call 937-315-0286.

If you can’t turn on your computer, you obviously think about calling a computer profession­al. But you shouldn’t always wait until you have big issues. Routine maintenanc­e can help prevent disasters and reduce some annoyances and stress. Here are some reasons you call a computer tech:

■ You think you’ve been scammed. If you think you let a scammer onto your computer, turn off the computer right away and call a computer pro. Scammers can put monitoring and remote tools on your computer, which a tech can look for and eliminate.

■ You still have Windows 8, 7, Vista or XP. Microsoft stopped all updates and support for Windows 7 at the beginning of the year, and support for Windows XP and Vista ended long ago. Stop using these old and less-secure operating systems. Consider buying a good refurbishe­d machine from a local small business. If you’re concerned about getting used to Windows 10 or 11, a tech can usually set up a new computer very similar to your old one.

■ You’re getting popups or ADs. If you have pop-ups bombarding you or aggressive ADs, it could be a virus, adware or just be annoying ADs. It’s best to get it checked out. Even if it’s just annoying ADs, a computer tech should be able to stop them. If you get a pop-up or voice on your computer saying that you need to call someone for help, don’t call; it’s a scam.

■ Your computer is too slow. There are many reasons a computer can be slow, such as age, specs and viruses. A tech’s help might include a computer cleanup, an upgrade or a whole new system.

■ You’re thinking about getting a new computer. A tech can suggest a good system and transfer your files and programs. They might be able to help you save on software and can help set up the new computer.

■ You’re having issues with your smartphone, tablet or TV. Most computer techs can also help with other tech gadgets. They can usually set them up and address any issues.

■ Your computer hasn’t had a checkup in past year. I strongly advise getting a full computer checkup each year. A tech can check many security, safety and reliabilit­y aspects. In my company, we check over 40 items. Checkups like these can catch issues before they cause problems.

 ?? ?? Eric Geier
Eric Geier

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