Dayton Daily News

2023 a year of community commitment, success


As we enter 2024 and prepare for a new event center, the renovation of the historic Gerber House and grounds at Benham’s Grove and comprehens­ive improvemen­ts at Stubbs Park, we should take a couple minutes to reflect on a successful 2023.

Centervill­e created 150 connected parking spots in Uptown to facilitate accessibil­ity, broke records at The

Golf Club at Yankee Trace and boasted our biggest event season yet.

So let’s look back at 2023 in Centervill­e by the numbers:

■ $860,025: Private investment in Uptown businesses estimated to result in 69 new jobs in three years

■ 45,037: Attendees at 15 Sunday evening concerts at Stubbs Park for the Summer Concert Series

■ 25,000-plus: Attendees at Fall Fest held at Stubbs Park

■ 72,000-plus: Rounds of golf played (a new record!) at the 27-hole championsh­ip course The Golf Club at Yankee Trace

■ 68,500-plus: Calls into the Centervill­e Police Department Dispatch Center with average 911 answer in less than 4 seconds

■ 23.48: Lane miles paved in Centervill­e, nearly 10% of the city’s roadway system

■ 1,600: In-person tax appointmen­ts handled, including the most ever scheduled in advance online

■ 3,500: Pumpkins donated by The Heart of Centervill­e and Washington Township given to children at the record-setting Fall Fest

■ $297,903: Value of 8,802 hours donated by city volunteers at buildings and events

■ 427: Zoning permits issued to business owners and residents

■ 151: Cans of spray paint used by Erica Arndts to create the third installmen­t in the Centerpiec­es Mural Program

A look at the numbers gives a sense of the exciting and positive happenings in our city, made possible with your strong support. City council and staff appreciate the chance to work with and for you as we enter 2024, which will be another year of success.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? More than 150 cans of spray paint were used to create Centervill­e’s newest mural on West Franklin Street.
CONTRIBUTE­D More than 150 cans of spray paint were used to create Centervill­e’s newest mural on West Franklin Street.
 ?? ?? Brooks Compton
Brooks Compton

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