Daily Southtown

Dog may be picky eater or signaling potential illness

- By Cathy M. Rosenthal — Dixie, Yorkville, Illinois Cathy M. Rosenthal is an animal advocate, author, columnist and pet expert. Send your questions, stories and tips to cathy@ petpundit.com. Please include your name, city and state. You can follow her @cat

Dear Cathy: My Havanese will not eat the chicken breasts I give him. I have tried about every kind of dog food. One time he will eat; the next day he won’t. The vet says don’t worry; he can go weeks without eating. I guess he is just picky. He is always begging for my food. If I give him chicken in his bowl, he doesn’t want it. What should I do?

— Jim, Scherervil­le, Indiana

Dear Jim: I am not sure your dog is just being a picky eater. It’s not normal for a dog — picky or otherwise — to go weeks without eating. Not eating can be a symptom of many illnesses that need to be ruled out. Some cancers, for example, may present as a lack of interest in food, even though the dog may also appear hungry. So, I recommend another visit with a vet to determine why your dog is not eating.

In the meantime, other foods you can try to encourage your dog to eat include plain waffles, plain cooked pasta or rice, sardines, scrambled eggs, ground hamburger or turkey, carrots, green beans or baby food.

If your dog gets a clean bill of health and your vet feels without a doubt that your dog is just being picky, try one of those foods as a topper on dog food to encourage him to eat.

Also, try an alternativ­e protein source like salmon, duck or bison, in case your dog is sensitive or allergic to beef or chicken byproducts, and not eating is his way of letting you know he can’t stomach certain foods.

Dear Cathy: Twice in recent columns, readers have mentioned using shock collars on their dogs. Your responses did not comment on the advisabili­ty of using this device.

As a lifelong dog owner, I have found that training works best when calm, confident and authoritat­ive commands are clearly articulate­d. Using a shock collar seems unnecessar­y, ineffectiv­e and cruel. Please give your view on this device.

— True, Hamden, Connecticu­t

Dear True: I don’t recommend shock collars for the same reasons, and I’m sorry if I missed an opportunit­y to comment on them. Training is about building a trusting relationsh­ip between a dog and their human, and that only happens over time and with positive reinforcem­ent. Yes, it can take longer to train a dog using positive reinforcem­ent, but it builds a relationsh­ip that will last a lifetime.

Another problem with shock collars, or any negative reinforcem­ent, is that they could result in the dog developing fears or aggression over what they may consider to be the source of the shock. If used, for example, to control barking, the dog could think it’s the stray dog passing by, the kid on the bike or the delivery person dropping something at the door that is the source of the shock, since he is barking to alert

on those occasions.

I know people use invisible fences and that the collar may be more of a buzz than a shock these days, but it’s worth noting that electric fences do nothing to prevent stray dogs, cruel people or other animals from passing over the invisible line and into the dog’s yard. And they don’t always keep dogs in their yards if they really want to get to something. I was attacked by two dogs who ran through their

invisible fences to get to me and my dog as we walked by their yard.

Positive reinforcem­ent and relationsh­ip building are all that’s needed to train our canine friends.

Dear Cathy: Our terrier mix, Sammy, was extremely loyal to me and never failed to greet me at the door when I arrived home. My husband said that Sammy would always get up and go to the door long before my (extremely quiet) Prius was in the subdivisio­n.

Our two other dogs always followed him to the door, so I had a welcoming committee.

Sammy passed away recently at age 14, and the other two seem oblivious to my return until I open the door and call for them. I sure do miss him.

Dear Dixie: It sounds like Sammy was the pack leader of your canine family and very in tune with you. I am sorry for your loss. Losing such a longtime companion is never easy, and I am sure you miss his presence in your life every day. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if, as your other dogs adjust to their new normal, one of them “intuitivel­y knows” when you’re coming home, too.

 ?? DREAMSTIME ?? For a dog, not being interested in eating can be a symptom of a range of illnesses that need to be ruled out with the help of a veterinari­an, writes Cathy M. Rosenthal.
DREAMSTIME For a dog, not being interested in eating can be a symptom of a range of illnesses that need to be ruled out with the help of a veterinari­an, writes Cathy M. Rosenthal.

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