Daily Southtown

Crete mulls golf carts on streets, granting mayor emergency powers

- By Alexandra Kukulka

The Crete Village Board opened up the possibilit­y of golf carts on village streets Monday, discussing a proposed ordinance that discourage­s their use but makes allowances for those interested.

Under the proposed ordinance, those age 18 and older with a valid driver’s license could operate a golf cart on village roads with a speed limit of 35 mph or lower. Carts would not be allowed on township, county and state roads.

Golf carts also would only be allowed to cross a toll road, interstate highway or controlled access highway where there is a traffic light or two-way stop sign and the speed limit doesn’t exceed 35 mph, under the proposal.

The golf carts would also need safety devices, including brakes, lights and mirrors. The golf carts woudn’t be allowed to tow other vehicles or be driven on golf courses without consent of the golf course, the proposal states.

A permit and $25 fee would be required.

Trustee John Phelan said he talked to officials in surroundin­g towns to ask how much they charge for a golf cart fee, finding Beecher, Manteno, Monee and New Lenox all charge $25 annually. Peotone charges $30 annually with a $10 discount for residents age 62 and older, he said.

Trustee Stephen Johnson said the fee should be higher, closer to $50. Mayor Michael Einhorn said the surroundin­g towns have set a precedent with the fee structure, but trustees could always decide to raise the fee if golf carts become popular.

“We may be talking about 10 licenses. We don’t know if we’re talking about 10 or 200,” Einhorn said.

Trustee Steve Bruns suggested changing the working in the penalty section from “shall” to “may” in regards to the minimum $100 fine for violations. Bruns said that would give police discretion.

The golf cart ordinance will be discussed again at the board’s Jan.

 ?? ALEXANDRA KUKULKA/DAILY SOUTHTOWN ?? Crete Trustee John Phelan, left, and Mayor Michael Einhorn read over a proposed ordinance giving the mayor authority in the event of emergencie­s.
ALEXANDRA KUKULKA/DAILY SOUTHTOWN Crete Trustee John Phelan, left, and Mayor Michael Einhorn read over a proposed ordinance giving the mayor authority in the event of emergencie­s.

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