Daily Southtown

Village’s strategic plan on the table

Ideas include ‘parknershi­ps’ to sell naming rights at sports fields

- By Mike Nolan

Advertisem­ents and field naming rights for village parks and a possible credit card processing fee for payments for water bills are being considered by Orland Park officials as part of a long-term strategic plan.

Some of the ideas under considerat­ion were suggested by village department­s and staff, and a fiveyear plan focuses on areas such as capital improvemen­ts and revenue enhancemen­ts.

It’s expected that the plan, still under review, will be more formally hashed out at Village Board meetings next month.

During a recent discussion, village trustees rejected suggestion­s to make residents solely responsibl­e for maintainin­g sidewalks in front of their homes or assessing a special fee for electric vehicles to raise revenue for street maintenanc­e.

An idea that would consolidat­e playground­s at village parks within a half-mile of each other will also be considered, but Mayor Keith Pekau said the proposal is unlikely to make the final draft. The suggestion brought forward is intended to reduce costs of replacing playground equipment.

Public/private “parknershi­ps” is an idea that could generate revenue for parks and recreation programs and maintenanc­e, according to the tentative plan.

Trustees agreed to study naming rights for sports fields, and advertisin­g on fences at village parks.

Earlier this year, NFL player Michael Schofield III and his wife, Kendall Coyne Schofield, an Olympic gold medalist, bought naming rights for a portion of a redevelopm­ent of Schussler Park in Orland Park, with the couple also agreeing to raise funds for an all-inclusive playground at the park.

The redevelopm­ent of Schussler and calls for a scoreboard next to the new sports fields, identifyin­g them as the Michael Schofield III Sports Complex, as well as a history of the couple’s accomplish­ments in sports.

Also still in the preliminar­y strategic plan is creating a transactio­n or processing fee, similar to those businesses levy on credit card purchases. Trustees did not discuss a particular dollar amount or percentage that might be assessed.

With the village expecting

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