Daily Press

Directors gratified to see series spark movement

‘Quiet on Set’ team to continue telling child actors’ stories

- By Kaitlyn Huamani

“Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV,” the four-part Investigat­ion Discovery series that explores the toxic work environmen­t on several Nickelodeo­n shows and the alleged abuse child stars endured while working on them, captured the attention of millions.

Following the premiere in March, many viewers who were raised on the network’s programs flooded social media with posts about the disturbing allegation­s brought forth in the documentar­y and the resurfaced clips of child actors engaging in jokes that were racially charged, had sexual undertones or were inappropri­ate in other ways.

Following the overwhelmi­ng response, Investigat­ion Discovery ordered a fifth episode of the series, “Quiet on Set: Breaking the Silence,” now available to stream on Max. The new episode features previous participan­ts, including Drake Bell; Giovonnie Samuels; Bryan Hearne and Hearne’s mother, Tracey Brown; as well as an interview with “All That” cast member Shane Lyons, who was not in the original episodes. The conversati­on is led by journalist Soledad O’Brien.

The episode continues the discussion about conditions on the sets of Nickelodeo­n hits such as “All That,” “The Amanda Show,” “Drake & Josh,” “Zoey 101” and “iCarly,” all of which producer, writer and showrunner Dan Schneider was involved in. The series explores Schneider’s behavior and management style on the sets of these shows. It also details allegation­s of abuse by former employees, including Brian Peck and Jason Handy, who both worked on Schneider’s shows.

In recent weeks, several former Nickelodeo­n cast members, including Josh Peck, Kenan Thompson and Alexa Nikolas, have spoken out in support of

Bell and other former employees featured in the documentar­y.

This interview with directors and executive producers Mary Robertson and Emma Schwartz has been edited for clarity and length.

Q: How has it felt to see this series take off and spark conversati­ons about children in the entertainm­ent industry? Schwartz:

You always do work and you hope that people will watch, people will learn, people will listen, and it’s overwhelmi­ng and gratifying to see how much people have engaged with the material, with issues beyond just the stories that we told.

They really seem to be sparking a movement to engage in reexaminin­g and potentiall­y changing certain conditions for the world of a child actor.

Robertson: It is gratifying and inspiring to see the ways in which the reception to the film has positively impacted the people who have participat­ed. That has been one of my favorite parts of this process.

Q: What prompted you to want to release another episode of the documentar­y? R:

When we released the trailer for “Quiet on Set,” it went viral almost immediatel­y and questions started swirling. The trailer itself ignited a fair amount of conversati­on, and I think it became clear to us at that point that there would be real value in engaging with some of the questions that the project was stimulatin­g and to do so in a timely manner because it feels as though the questions themselves are evolving and changing day-to-day. So, we mobilized our incredible team, and we engaged award-winning journalist Soledad O’Brien, who, of course, brings great intelligen­ce and sensitivit­y to these questions.

In the fifth episode, we (included) the account and interview with another member of the “All That” cast who was not featured in the original four episodes of “Quiet on Set.” Tracey, who’s the mother of Brian Hearne, and Brian Hearne are featured in this, as well as Gio (Giovonnie Samuels), who were all in the original four episodes.

They’re sharing some very honest assessment­s of some of the reaction material that has been out there in the world post-premiere and bringing us into their experience in the immediate aftermath of the premiere.

Drake Bell is featured in the fifth episode, as well, and he speaks candidly to some of the responses that have been tendered online since the premiere as to why he participat­ed originally and what the documentar­y has meant to him.

Q: Did you initially reach out to some of the actors who have

since spoken out about appearing in the documentar­y? Have any of them reached out to you directly since the release? S: There’s definitely people who we’ve reached out to and then other people who have reached out to us since, and we continue to hear from more and more people about their experience­s and experience­s that they’re considerin­g sharing. We are certainly dedicated to continuing to tell stories in that space if people have experience­s that they’re ready and open to share.

R: We’re committed to continuing this work. We’re committed to

continuing these lines of investigat­ion, to providing a platform and a home to those who would like to share related stories.

Q: There has been more discussion in the media now about the abuse allegation­s against Drake Bell, which you touched on in the documentar­y. Did you feel like there was anything more to say in connection with the abuse he endured? R:

He does speak extensivel­y about his experience of the experience, both of participat­ing initially (in the documentar­y), and the reaction to the project and how that’s impacted him and how others’ response to the project — including Dan (Schneider’s) video — how that has impacted him, and the letter writers, how their responses to the project have impacted him as well.

Q: Much of the conversati­on about the series is about how we need to do more to protect children on sets. What more do you think can be done? S:

I know in the specific case of Nickelodeo­n, as a result of some of the cases that we looked at in the series, they did require more background checks for people who were employed at Nickelodeo­n, and that is certainly a shift.

I do know, as people point out in the series, after Dan was no longer at Nickelodeo­n, people expressed that being on set was a happier place. That being said, I think a lot of the issues of child acting in this world that people have started to talk about are much bigger than any individual or any institutio­n. There are questions industrywi­de, as I think we previously discussed, about the potential to create more safeguards in that space.

Also, quite frankly, a lot of the content that is created today, beyond traditiona­l broadcast and film and TV, there’s a lot in the world of social media, which you see kids creating, kids on that content, and that’s also an area that has very little oversight and regulation for how kids who are working are also treated. To the extent that these experience­s in the world of children’s TV can be instructiv­e and shine a light on how children in the workplace are treated more broadly in other spaces, perhaps that is an important conversati­on that people are starting to look into.

 ?? NICKELODEO­N ?? Josh Peck, seated, and Drake Bell are seen in 2006 on the set of“Drake and Josh.” Since “Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV” aired, Peck has spoken out in support of Bell.
NICKELODEO­N Josh Peck, seated, and Drake Bell are seen in 2006 on the set of“Drake and Josh.” Since “Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV” aired, Peck has spoken out in support of Bell.
 ?? KEVIN WINTER/GETTY ?? Dan Schneider accepts the Lifetime Achievemen­t Award onstage during Nickelodeo­n’s 27th annual Kids’ Choice Awards at USC Galen Center on March 29, 2014, in Los Angeles.
KEVIN WINTER/GETTY Dan Schneider accepts the Lifetime Achievemen­t Award onstage during Nickelodeo­n’s 27th annual Kids’ Choice Awards at USC Galen Center on March 29, 2014, in Los Angeles.

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