Daily Press

Dealing with passive-aggressive siblings

- Send questions for Annie Lane to dearannie@ creators.com

Dear Annie: How do I deal with passive-aggressive siblings?

When we are together, it can be all laughter and giggles, and the next minute all I hear are snarky comments.

It took months to find out one sibling had purchased a new and expensive car. Then the talk was how to sell the old reliable model without asking my opinion.

We all have social media accounts, though I have yet to see any of them post on my page.

I have hobbies, and they do not; we all do volunteer work, yet there is seldom a conversati­on about it.

I am reluctant to reach out fearing I might catch one of them on an “aggressive” day and be shut out.

If I ask for household repair help, I am looked on as weak or ignored altogether.

We are getting older, and I am at my wits’ end at trying to have a healthy relationsh­ip.

How do I reconnect with my siblings? — Torn

Dear Torn: Now that you know the pattern of their behavior, you know what to expect.

When you are having good times with your siblings, focus on feeling grateful for the good times.

At the same time, manage your expectatio­ns of them, and know that the aggressive parts will come.

While things are good between you and your siblings, you can also let them know how much you are enjoying your time with them and how much you dislike the aggressive times.

Communicat­ion and gratitude and good expectatio­n management are three ingredient­s to happy and healthy relationsh­ips.

Dear Annie: I have always wanted to meet a man and be married. I am now 58 years old. Is it too late for me?

Some people say it is a choice, but I have not found anyone interestin­g, and during Covid I have been isolated.

So I plan on getting out and meeting people now that it is safe.

I want a social life, but I don’t know how to get myself out there. I was wondering how to get myself back out after so much time isolating myself ? — Isolated Friend

Dear Isolated Friend: It’s never too late to find love. But love is not just going to come to your doorstep; you have to go out there to find it.

There are lots of dating sites you could try. In addition, think of hobbies that you enjoy and try to find communitie­s that share your similar interest.

As Nike says: just do it! And put yourself out there.

Best of luck to you.

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