Daily News (Los Angeles)

Saints' Allen: Players' decision to score late TD was not a mutiny


New Orleans Saints coach Dennis Allen is taking a nuanced view of his players' decision to disobey coaches' orders and hand the ball off to Jamaal Williams for a 1-yard touchdown run in the final minute of a season-ending 4817 victory over Atlanta.

With a night to digest what happened, Allen stuck by comments he made immediatel­y after Sunday's game that players were wrong to overrule coaches. But he also painted his players' conduct in that moment as an isolated incident under somewhat unique circumstan­ces — not as an act of disrespect toward Saints coaches.

“Those players went out and played their tail off in the last five games of the season — and I've been on teams where that doesn't happen,” Allen said Monday, referring to the Saints' four convincing victories in their final five games to finish at 9-8 and narrowly out of the playoff picture.

“So, no, I don't believe there was any fracture” between the players and staff, Allen added.

The Saints found themselves with the ball at the Atlanta 1 after Tyrann Mathieu's late 74-yard intercepti­on return. From there, New Orleans could have — and arguably should have — run out the clock, in sportsman-like fashion, by taking a knee after a couple snaps.

But Williams, who joined the team as a free agent last offseason, had not scored all season. So, reserve quarterbac­k Jameis Winston told the offense in the huddle that he would hand off to Williams — if that's what the players on the field wanted to do.

The Saints then lined up in “victory formation,” as if to take a knee, but instead handed off to Williams for the score. The Falcons reacted angrily and Allen said apologetic­ally after the game that he did not blame them for being upset.

Saints defensive end Cameron Jordan said he was “glad nobody got injured,” and “glad Jamaal got a touchdown.”

“We'll address whatever (insubordin­ation) that is in-house,” Jordan added. “I think it came from a great spot in somebody's heart to give my guy a touchdown. If the world wants to keep bringing it up, continue. The world isn't this locker room . ... At the same time, it's dope that Jamaal got a touchdown.”

 ?? CHRIS GRAYTHEN – GETTY IMAGES ?? Dennis Allen guided the Saints to a 9-8record in his second season as coach.
CHRIS GRAYTHEN – GETTY IMAGES Dennis Allen guided the Saints to a 9-8record in his second season as coach.

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