Daily Democrat (Woodland)

Some state lawmakers want chaplains as part of `rescue mission' for education

- By Hannah Fingerhut

DES MOINES, IOWA >> Lawmakers in more than a dozen states have proposed legislatio­n to allow spiritual chaplains in public schools, a move that proponents say will ease a youth mental health crisis, bolster staff retention and offer spiritual care to students who can't afford or access religious schools.

Conservati­ves also argue religious foundation­s will act as a “rescue mission” for what they say are public schools' declining values, a topic that has galvanized Republican­controlled Legislatur­es to fight for issues such as parental oversight of curriculum, restrictio­ns on books and instructio­n on gender identity and state-funded tuition assistance for private and religious schools.

But many chaplains and interfaith organizati­ons oppose the chaplaincy campaign, calling the motivation offensive and describing the dangers of introducin­g a position of authority to children without clear standards or boundaries.

“They are going to be engaging students, sometimes when they're at their most vulnerable, and there's not going to be any checks on whether they're able to proselytiz­e, what they're able to say to kids grappling with really difficult issues,” said Maureen O'Leary, organizing director at Interfaith Alliance.

The organizati­on has shared concerns with lawmakers and school boards, saying schools should be “neutral spaces where students can come as their full selves,” O'Leary said.

“This isn't a matter of being pro- religion and antireligi­on,” she said. “This is a matter of the appropriat­e role of religion as it applies to public schools.”

Texas kicks off a national campaign

Texas became the first state to allow school chaplains under a law passed in 2023.

The National School Chaplain Associatio­n, which identifies itself as a Christian chaplain ministry, says on its website it was “instrument­al” in spearheadi­ng the Texas law. The organizati­on is a subsidiary of Mission Generation, which was establishe­d in 1999 to bring Jesus to classrooms worldwide. In a December 2023 newsletter, NSCA celebrated Texas for starting a “national movement placing God back in public education.”

NSCA chaplains “deliver holistic care, guidance, and safety to all people, all the time regardless of their personal beliefs, or nonbeliefs” and the organizati­on's statement of faith is typical of endorsing bodies, an associatio­n representa­tive said in an email.

After the bill passed, dozens of Texas chaplains representi­ng different faiths and denominati­ons collective­ly wrote to school boards, warning the law doesn't require that “chaplains refrain from proselytiz­ing while at schools or that they serve students from different religious background­s.”

The law ordered more than 1,200 school districts to decide by March 1 whether they would allow chaplains as employees or volunteers. Many of the largest opted out.

Houston and Austin said volunteers' roles and responsibi­lities were unchanged so a volunteer wouldn't be providing chaplain services. Dallas' school board said chaplains should not be employees or volunteers at this time.

In the meantime, varying school chaplain bills have been introduced in many Southern and Midwestern states, with mixed success.

A school chaplain bill passed both chambers of the Florida Legislatur­e and awaits Gov. Ron DeSantis's signature. School policy must describe the services of a volunteer chaplain and require parental consent.

Indiana's proposal, which passed one chamber but failed in the other, specified chaplains would provide secular services unless student and parents consent to nonsecular services. Some lawmakers questioned where that line would be drawn and how a student would know.

In Utah, Rep. Keven Stratton told his colleagues recent Supreme Court decisions on religious freedom provide an opportunit­y for school chaplains and a return to the tradition of acknowledg­ing God in public institutio­ns.

 ?? HANNAH FINGERHUT — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Eric Johnson, director of spiritual care at UnityPoint Health's Des Moines, Iowa-area hospitals, sits for a portrait on March 11. He has served as a chaplain in hospitals for 15 years.
HANNAH FINGERHUT — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Eric Johnson, director of spiritual care at UnityPoint Health's Des Moines, Iowa-area hospitals, sits for a portrait on March 11. He has served as a chaplain in hospitals for 15 years.

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