Daily Democrat (Woodland)

How the anti-vaccine movement pits parental rights against public health

- By Amy Maxmen

Gayle Borne has fostered more than 300 children in Springfiel­d, Tennessee. She's cared for kids who have rarely seen a doctor — kids so neglected that they cannot speak. Such children are now even more vulnerable because of a law Tennessee passed last year that requires the direct consent of birth parents or legal guardians for every routine childhood vaccinatio­n. Foster parents, social workers, and other caregivers cannot provide permission.

In January, Borne took a foster baby, born extremely premature at just over 2 pounds, to her first doctor's appointmen­t. The health providers said that without the consent of the child's mother, they couldn't vaccinate her against diseases like pneumonia, hepatitis B, and polio. The mother hasn't been located, so a social worker is now seeking a court order to permit immunizati­ons. “We are just waiting,” Borne said. “Our hands are tied.”

Tennessee's law has also stymied grandmothe­rs and other caregivers who accompany children to routine appointmen­ts when parents are at work, in drug and alcohol rehabilita­tion clinics, or otherwise unavailabl­e. The law claims to “give parents back the right to make medical decisions for their children.”

Framed in the rhetoric of choice and consent, it is one of more than a dozen recent and pending pieces of legislatio­n nationwide that pit parental freedom against community and children's health. In actuality, they create obstacles to vaccinatio­n, the foundation of pediatric care.

Such policies have another effect. They seed doubt about vaccine safety in a climate rife with medical misinforma­tion. The trend has exploded as politician­s and social media influencer­s make false claims about risks, despite studies showing otherwise.

Doctors traditiona­lly give caregivers vaccine informatio­n and get their permission before delivering more than a dozen childhood immunizati­ons that defend against measles, polio, and other debilitati­ng diseases.

But now, Tennessee's law demands that birth parents attend routine appointmen­ts and sign consent forms for every vaccine given over two or more years. “The forms could have a chilling effect,” said Jason Yaun, a Memphis pediatrici­an and past president of the Tennessee chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

“People who promote parental rights on vaccines tend to downplay the rights of children,” said Dorit Reiss, a vaccine policy researcher at the University of California LawSan Francisco.

Drop in Routine Vaccinatio­n Rates

Misinforma­tion coupled with a parental rights movement that shifts decision-making away from public health expertise has contribute­d to the lowest childhood vaccine rates in a decade.

This year, legislator­s in Arizona, Iowa, and West Virginia have introduced related consent bills. A “Parents' Bill of Rights” amendment in Oklahoma seeks to ensure that parents know they can exempt their children from school vaccine mandates along with lessons on sex education and AIDS. In Florida, the medical skeptic leading the state's health department recently defied guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention by telling parents they could send unvaccinat­ed children to a school during a measles outbreak.

Last year, Mississipp­i began allowing exemptions from school vaccine requiremen­ts for religious reasons because of a lawsuit funded by the Informed Consent Action Network, which is listed as a leading source of anti-vaccine disinforma­tion by the Center for Countering Digital Hate. A post on ICAN's website said it “could not be more proud” in Mississipp­i to “restore the right of every parent in this country to have his or her conviction­s respected and not trampled by the government.”

Even if some bills fail, Reiss fears, the revived parental rights movement may eventually abolish policies that require routine immunizati­ons to attend school. At a recent campaign rally, Republican presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump said, “I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate.”

The movement dates to the wake of the 1918 influenza pandemic, when some parents pushed back against progressiv­e reforms that required school attendance and prohibited child labor. Since then, tensions between state measures and parental freedom have occasional­ly flared over a variety of issues. Vaccines became a prominent one in 2021, as the movement found common ground with people skeptical of COVID-19 vaccines.

“The parental rights movement didn't start with vaccines,” Reiss said, “but the anti-vaccine movement has allied themselves with it and has expanded their reach by riding on its coattails.”

When Lawmakers Silence Health Experts

In Tennessee, anti-vaccine activists and libertaria­n-leaning organizati­ons railed against the state's health department in 2021 when it recommende­d COVID vaccines to minors, following CDC guidance. Gary Humble, executive director of the conservati­ve group Tennessee Stands, asked legislator­s to blast the health department for advising masks and vaccinatio­n, suggesting the department “could be dissolved and reconstitu­ted at your pleasure.”

Backlash also followed a notice sent to doctors from Michelle Fiscus, then the state's immunizati­on director. She reminded them that they didn't need parental permission to vaccinate consenting adolescent­s 14 or older, according to a decades-old state rule called the Mature Minor Doctrine.

In the weeks that followed, state legislator­s threatened to defund the health department and pressured it into scaling back COVID vaccine promotion, as revealed by The Tennessean. Fiscus was abruptly fired.”Today I became the 25th of 64 state and territoria­l immunizati­on program directors to leave their position during this pandemic,” she wrote in a statement. “That's nearly 40% of us.” Tennessee's COVID death rate climbed to one of the nation's highest by mid-2022.

By the time two state legislator­s introduced a bill to reverse the Mature Minor Doctrine, the health department was silent on the proposal.

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