Daily Democrat (Woodland)


`FastPass to Prosecutio­n' designed to expedite investigat­ion and prosecutio­n

- By Carlos Guerrero cguerrero@dailydemoc­rat.com

Earlier this week, Yolo County District Attorney Jeff Reisig held a press conference at the West Sacramento Walmart Supercente­r, located at 755 Riverpoint Court, announcing the launch of an innovative new Direct-to DA retailer reporting program designed to dramatical­ly expedite the investigat­ion and prosecutio­n of retail crimes.

The “FastPass to Prosecutio­n” program, a collaborat­ive effort between the DA's office, Yolo County law enforcemen­t leaders, and Walmart asset protection profession­als, was launched in the Fall of 2023 in partnershi­p with several major retailers, including Walmart, Target, Walgreens, CVS, Raley's, The Home Depot, and several other retailers operating in Yolo County.

“Theft and other crimes against retailers have been worsening in California for some time,” Reisig stated during the March 5 press conference. “In fact, district attorneys, law enforcemen­t and retailers are nearly unanimous in describing the current situation in California as chaotic and out-of-control.

Not only has the level of theft increased dramatical­ly, but thieves have become increasing­ly brazen and sometimes violent. The status quo approach to these crimes is not working.”

According to a press release from the Yolo County DA's office, FastPass was designed to provide retailers with another option to report non-emergency crimes that have been investigat­ed and documented internally, directly to the DA, who possesses the exclusive authority to file formal criminal complaints.

FastPass is not designed to deter retailers from calling 911 in an emergency or reporting crimes to police and sheriffs, and nothing prevents law enforcemen­t from responding, but because of factors outside the control of police and sheriffs, including high-priority call volume and limited staffing, some police responses can be delayed or impractica­l.

“By utilizing the FastPass to prosecutio­n model, we are able to dramatical­ly expedite the investigat­ion and filing of criminal cases and reduce the delay between the time of the crime, the arrest and prosecutio­n,” Re

isig stated. “In some cases, it will cut the delay down from months to weeks or even days.”

Since the launch of FastPass in late 2023, the DA's office has filed criminal cases against 49 suspects, including dozens of felony cases (60%), with total losses exceeding $100,000. These 49 individual­s combined have over 134 previous theft conviction­s, and 93% of all the offenders have previous arrests including theft, burglary, robbery, violent assaults, and family violence.

First-time offenders are not generally part of the FastPass program.

Greg Totten, the CEO of the California District Attorneys Associatio­n, who also spoke at the Tuesday press event, called the innovative approach “groundbrea­king” and committed to promoting it as a promising best practice to other elected prosecutor­s across California.

Yolo County District Attorney is also one of three prosecutor's offices in the nation, along with the Seattle City Attorney's Office and the King County Prosecutor's Office, to be selected as a pilot site by the Retail Industry Leaders Associatio­n and the National District Attorneys Associatio­n for their Vibrant Communitie­s Initiative.

“We are dedicated to collaborat­ing with retailers of all types, our law enforcemen­t partners, and our communitie­s in innovative ways to effectivel­y address the retail crimes crisis that is harming our businesses and communitie­s and underminin­g the sense of security and quality of life for so many,” Reisig said. “In this mission, we believe FastPass is a game-changer.”

The initiative, launched in 2023, is focused on improving collaborat­ion between retailers, prosecutor­s, police, social service organizati­ons, local policymake­rs and civic and business groups, and others — to tackle systemic drivers of retail crimes, enhance informatio­n sharing, prosecute habitual and violent offenders, and propose meaningful second chance opportunit­ies to reduce recidivism.

“The FastPass to Prosecutio­n project led by Jeff Reisig and his team in Yolo County is a perfect example of how retailers and law enforcemen­t can collaborat­e to make communitie­s safer,” stated Sr. Executive Vice President of Retail Operations, Retail Industry Leaders Associatio­n Lisa LaBruno. “Every jurisdicti­on in the country is struggling with limited resources and limited personnel to address the problem of organized retail crime and habitual theft. FastPass can serve as a model for prosecutor­s across the country for how to focus the limited resources of the government in partnershi­p with retail asset protection teams to target high-profile, prolific, and violent criminal actors in the community.”

 ?? PHOTOS BY YOLO COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE — COURTESY ?? Yolo County District Attorney Jeff Reisig, along with Yolo County law enforcemen­t leaders and Walmart asset protection profession­als, gathered on Tuesday, March 5, in West Sacramento for a press conference announcing the launch of a program to battle retail theft.
PHOTOS BY YOLO COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE — COURTESY Yolo County District Attorney Jeff Reisig, along with Yolo County law enforcemen­t leaders and Walmart asset protection profession­als, gathered on Tuesday, March 5, in West Sacramento for a press conference announcing the launch of a program to battle retail theft.
 ?? ?? Yolo County District Attorney Jeff Reisig at a press conference on Tuesday in West Sacramento, announcing the launch of an innovative Direct-to-DA retailer reporting program designed to dramatical­ly expedite the investigat­ion and prosecutio­n of retail crimes.
Yolo County District Attorney Jeff Reisig at a press conference on Tuesday in West Sacramento, announcing the launch of an innovative Direct-to-DA retailer reporting program designed to dramatical­ly expedite the investigat­ion and prosecutio­n of retail crimes.

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