Daily Democrat (Woodland)

New Woodland Community College president is making connection­s

- By Dr. Lizette Navarette Sincerely, Dr. Lizette Navarette

Dear Woodland Community College Supporters:

Last week marked my first month as the new President of Woodland Community College. As I reflect on how fortunate I am to be part of such a great institutio­n, I want to also share my appreciati­on for all of you. In my first few weeks, you've reached out, sent notes, stopped by, or created space for me to better connect with our community. Thank you for the warm welcome!

I am thrilled to be part of such a beautiful community that champions the transforma­tive power of education. My commitment to Woodland Community College is deep and personal.

As a daughter of a single mother, basic resources were scarce and the struggles we faced were numerous.

However, I have learned that stories like mine are not uncommon and that through the transforma­tive power of community colleges, we can change lives and advance equitable social mobility.

My journey has been

shaped by many caring individual­s — individual­s like those I've met in my first month at Woodland Community College who see the hopes, dreams, and promise in each of our students.

I know Woodland Community College, Lake County Campus and Colusa County Campus each hold a special place in the hearts of many, and I am eager to build on the remarkable foundation laid by all you.

In my first 90 days (and beyond), I look forward to connecting with community partners to: 1) listen, 2) learn, and 3) collaborat­e.

If you're on Instagram, I invite you to follow me (@WoodlandCC_ President) and Woodland Community College (@ WoodlandCo­mmunityCol­lege).

Lastly, each first #WoodlandWe­dnesday of the month, I will share a brief newsletter known as

WCC Insights.

The monthly newsletter will highlight:

Campus events & initiative­s;

Student success stories and achievemen­ts;

Highlights faculty and staff accomplish­ments, and

Share important dates and upcoming events.

Thank you once again for your support and partnershi­p!

 ?? CARLOS GUERRERO — DAILY DEMOCRAT ?? Woodland Community College President Dr. Lizette Navarette during a ribbon cutting ceremony for the school's new Performing Arts and Culinary Center earlier this year.
CARLOS GUERRERO — DAILY DEMOCRAT Woodland Community College President Dr. Lizette Navarette during a ribbon cutting ceremony for the school's new Performing Arts and Culinary Center earlier this year.

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