Daily Democrat (Woodland)

A funny thing happened on the way

- By Bill Schroeder United Church of Christ, retired

As the talk of presidenti­al aspiration­s are in full gear, I'm reminded of a line from a classic speech made by the late Adlai Stevenson as he accepted defeat, saying, “A funny thing happened on my way to the White House…”

Likewise, a home builder, Brewster, had a funny thing happen to him on his way to work. Mrs. Yates complained to Brewster that her new home, built by Brewster, would shake whenever the trains went by a block away. Mrs. Yates claimed, “The vibrations practicall­y shake me right out of my bed. Don't take my word for it. Just lie down there yourself.”

Reluctantl­y, with a resigned shrug, Mr. Brewster laid down on the bed. At the same time, Mr. Yates appeared in the doorway roaring at Mr. Brewster, “What do you think you are doing?” Mr. Brewster replied, “Would you believe, waiting for a train?”

Funny things seem to have been a significan­t part of Biblical history. Recall Abraham and Sarah, too old to have children and ready for retirement, and Sarah laughs when she learns she is pregnant. A funny thing happened on their way to retirement.

Moses led an oppressed and discourage­d people on one of the greatest freedom marches in all of history, and the world was changed.

In the New Testament, we find it to be filled with the possibilit­ies of radical personal and social changes. It tells of a lot of funny things that happened wherever people encountere­d Christ, a spiritual encounter of God's kind, and things that happened and people were changed.

And, of course, there was Mary's surprise, Joseph's faith, Paul's funny thing that happened on his way to Damascus … and the world changed.

Martin Luther hoped for a scholarly debate of his 95 thesis, and it turned into a full-scale revolution, and the world was changed.

Rosa Parks, on her way home from a long day's work, her aged body too tired to move to offer a white man her seat on the bus, and it became the impetus for the civil rights movement in this nation. A funny thing happened as she sat down, and the whole world stood up!

Now you see, what I'm suggesting is that today's world is one the Bible knows all too well. God intends it to be a world of breakthrou­ghs of liberation and freedom, visions and hopes for peace, dreams for justice, and the unity of ALL people. There is no way that Christiani­ty can be spirituall­y redemptive without being socially responsibl­e.

I believe God is always trying to make humanity, more human. But without us, God can't, just as without God, we can't. Every time we lift our eyes to heaven as we so often do in these times and say, “God, how long will the wicked flourish? How long will injustice endure?” we can be sure that God is asking that question of us.

So, in this world of busy sinners and lazy saints, we are called to be the creative edge of life, to be the bright lights on our dark streets, and the voice for the voiceless.

There is no question that the air is full of calls, and who will answer, “Here am I?” A funny thing may just happen to you when you hear the call of God and answer.

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