Daily Democrat (Woodland)

Feds won't restore protection­s for wolves in Rockies, western states

- By Matthew Brown and Todd Richmond

Federal wildlife officials on Friday rejected requests from conservati­on groups to restore protection­s for gray wolves across the northern U.S Rocky Mountains, saying the predators are in no danger of extinction as some states seek to reduce their numbers through hunting.

The U.S Fish and Wildlife Service also said it would work on a first-ever national recovery plan for wolves, after previously pursuing a piecemeal recovery in different regions of the country. The agency expects to complete work on the plan by December 2025.

The rejection of the conservati­on groups' petitions allows state-sanctioned wolf hunts to continue in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. They estimated the wolf population in the region that also includes Washington, California and Oregon stood at nearly 2,800 animals at the end of 2022.

“The population maintains high genetic diversity and connectivi­ty, further supporting their ability to adapt to future changes,” the agency said in a news release.

Conservati­onists who have been working to bring the wolf back from near-extinction in the U.S. blasted the decision, complainin­g that Idaho and Montana have approved increasing­ly aggressive wolf-killing measures including trapping, snaring and monthslong hunting seasons.

“We are disappoint­ed that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is refusing to hold the states accountabl­e to wolf conservati­on commitment­s they made a decade ago,” said Susan Holmes, executive director of the Endangered Species Coalition.

Antipathy toward wolves for killing livestock and big game dates to early European settlement of the American West in the 1800s, and it flared up again after wolf population­s rebounded under federal protection. That recovery has brought bitter blowback from hunters and farmers angered over wolf attacks on big game herds and livestock. They contend protection­s are no longer warranted.

Congress stripped Endangered Species Act protection­s from wolves in western states in 2011. The Trump administra­tion removed Endangered Species Act protection­s for wolves across the lower 48 states just before Trump left office in 2020.

A federal judge in 2022 restored those protection­s across 45 states, but left wolf management to state officials in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and portions of Oregon, Washington and Utah.

Republican lawmakers in Montana and Idaho are intent on culling more wolf packs, which are blamed for periodic attacks on livestock and reducing elk and deer herds that many hunters prize.

The states' Republican governors in recent months signed into law measures that expanded when, where and how wolves can be killed. That raised alarm among Democrats, former wildlife officials and advocacy groups that said increased hunting pressure could cut wolf numbers to unsustaina­ble levels.

The Humane Society of the U.S., Center for Biological Diversity and other groups had filed legal petitions asking federal officials to intervene.

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