Daily Democrat (Woodland)

Second photograph­y contest set

- By Jim Smith

An amateur photograph­y contest is being hosted by the Cache Creek Conservanc­y to celebrate the beauty of nature at the Woodland-based Cache Creek Nature Preserve.

The contest is an opportunit­y for people to visit and explore the 130-acre preserve and to elevate public awareness about the Cache Creek Conservanc­y and its offerings.

The contest period concludes on Earth Day, April 22. This allows plenty of time for people to visit and take photograph­s at the Preserve during an active and vibrant time between the end of Winter and beginning of Spring.

Wildlife, foliage, and sunsets are always popular photo images, not including Cache Creek itself and the wildlife which call it home.

Photograph­s can be of natural settings or include people and families enjoying what the Preserve has to offer.

There will be a limit of one photograph per participan­t in one of three contest categories. Categories are: Adults, ages 18 and older; Youth, ages 17 and under; and Profession­al. All images must have been taken by the photograph­er and not photoshopp­ed.

Winners in each category will have their work displayed on the Cache Creek Conservanc­y website as well as used on its Facebook Page. The photograph­s will also be displayed throughout Woodland at various photo galleries.

Photograph­s may also be used in print and marketing materials for the Conservanc­y with the photograph­ers receiving prominent credit.

The contest is for digital photos only, with images sized not greater than 50 megabytes.

All participan­ts must complete an entry form giving permission for the Conservanc­y to use their photograph­s (whether they are the winner or not) in future materials.

Entry forms can be found at the Conservanc­y's website: cccweb.link/photoconte­st2024.

A selection committee comprised of Conservanc­y Board members and one volunteer will judge the photos, and a winner from each category will be selected. If there is a tie, an additional person will be brought in to judge and make the final decision.

 ?? TOM PRITCHARD — COURTESY ?? A lone bobcat, seen in daylight in an open field at the Cache Creek Nature Preserve, was captured by Woodland resident Tom Pritchard in 2023 and was selected as a winning image for the Nature Preserve's Earth Day Photograph­y Contest. A second contest is scheduled this year with submission­s now being welcomed.
TOM PRITCHARD — COURTESY A lone bobcat, seen in daylight in an open field at the Cache Creek Nature Preserve, was captured by Woodland resident Tom Pritchard in 2023 and was selected as a winning image for the Nature Preserve's Earth Day Photograph­y Contest. A second contest is scheduled this year with submission­s now being welcomed.
 ?? PERI HOKE — COURTESY ?? This photograph of two Swainson Hawks, perched side-by side was selected as the winner of an Earth Day Photograph­y Contest held in 2023 by the Cache Creek Nature Preserve. It was taken by profession­al photograph­er Peri Hoke.
PERI HOKE — COURTESY This photograph of two Swainson Hawks, perched side-by side was selected as the winner of an Earth Day Photograph­y Contest held in 2023 by the Cache Creek Nature Preserve. It was taken by profession­al photograph­er Peri Hoke.

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