Daily Camera (Boulder)

EPA awards $20B for clean-energy projects

- By Alexa St. John The Associated Press

The Environmen­tal Protection Agency on Thursday awarded $20 billion in federal green bank grants to eight community developmen­t banks and nonprofit organizati­ons to use on projects combating climate change in disadvanta­ged communitie­s and helping Americans save money and reduce their carbon footprints.

The money could fund tens of thousands of eligible projects ranging from residentia­l heat pumps and other energy-efficient home improvemen­ts to largerscal­e projects such as electric vehicle charging stations and community cooling centers.

“We have the capacity with this approach to empower communitie­s to decide which projects they want that will have the greatest impact from their perspectiv­e in the place they call home,” said Vice President Kamala Harris, who traveled to Charlotte, North Carolina to unveil the funding.

It was Harris’ fourth trip to the battlegrou­nd state this year as Democrats hope to win a state that they narrowly lost to Republican Donald Trump in the last presidenti­al election.

In a local radio interview conducted before her trip, Harris said North Carolina will “really help determine the outcome of who will occupy the White House for the next four years. And this election, we’ve got everything on the line.”

The green bank that oversees the grants announced Thursday was created by Biden’s landmark climate law, the Inflation Reduction Act, passed in 2022.

Formally known as the

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, the $27 billion bank is one of many federal efforts to invest in solutions that cut planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions and address human-caused climate change, a topic President Joe Biden has emphasized in his presidency and Democratic reelection campaign.

The bank’s goals are to reduce climate and air pollution and mobilize public and private capital in the communitie­s that need it most.

“While every community has the capacity to join the clean energy economy, not every community has had the opportunit­y to do that,” Harris said.

Before her speech at a community center, Harris joined Environmen­tal Protection Agency Administra­tor Michael Regan at a home in the Grier Heights neighborho­od that had taken advantage of financing opportunit­ies to become more energy efficient.

Harris told the homeowner that she hopes others “will see for themselves what is possible for them and their families.:

As part of Thursday’s news, the $14 billion National Clean Investment Fund program granted money to three nonprofits that will partner with states and the private sector to provide affordable financing for projects across the country.

The $6 billion Clean Communitie­s Investment Accelerato­r also granted money to five institutio­ns that will work with other groups to establish hubs that make funding and technical assistance accessible to community lenders.

Recipients committed to spending $7 in private sector funding for each $1 from the federal investment money, to “reduce or avoid” 40 million metric tons of carbon dioxide each year and earmark 70% of the money for disadvanta­ged and low-income communitie­s. These groups are often passed over by commercial banks and investors yet are disproport­ionately impacted by climate change.

Among the eight funding recipients are:

• Coalition for Green Capital, a nonprofit working with a nationwide network of state, local, and nonprofit green banks, received $5 billion.

• Power Forward Communitie­s, a nonprofit coalition formed by five housing, climate, and community investment groups, received $2 billion.

• Appalachia­n Community Capital, a nonprofit community developmen­t financial institutio­n working with lenders in Appalachia, received $500 million.

Also part of the bank is the $7 billion Solar for All program, which will award states, tribes and municipali­ties money for a variety of residentia­l and community solar projects at a later date.

Specifics around the bank were outlined last February, with applicatio­ns for the programs sought in July and due last fall.

“I do think this is a really important part of our national strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and engage every community in the clean energy revolution,” Maryland Sen. Chris Van Hollen told The Associated Press in an interview. The Democrat first introduced legislatio­n to create a national green bank 15 years ago. “Now we just need to work very hard on implementa­tion,” he said.

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