Daily Camera (Boulder)

French bulldogs remain the most popular U.S. breed

- By Jennifer Peltz The Associated Press

NEW YORK>> French bulldogs. U.S. dog owners. C’est l’amour.

Frenchies remained the United States’ most commonly registered purebred dogs last year, according to American Kennel Club rankings released Wednesday. The club calls the Frenchie the most popular breed, though other canine constituen­cies may beg to differ.

Is it a coup to be celebrated? Au contraire, say longtime fans who rue what popularity is doing to the breed. Neverthele­ss, after lapping Labrador retrievers to take the top spot in 2022, the bateared, scaled-down bulldogs held on in the new standings, which reflect puppies and other dogs that were added last year to the United States’ oldest dog registry.

Meanwhile, dachshunds are at a nearly two-decade peak, the cane corso is making moves, and there’s a new breed in the mix.

Of course, purebreds are only part of the canine population in the U.S., where animal shelters faced an influx of all sorts of dogs last year. Here’s a snapshot:

After Frenchies, the most common breeds registered were Labs, golden retrievers, German shepherds and poodles. Then came dachshunds, bulldogs, beagles, Rottweiler­s and German shorthaire­d pointers.

All were also in the top 10 in 2022. A decade ago, Yorkshire terriers and boxers were in the group. Go back a half-century, and the third most popular breed was the Irish setter — now 76th.

Pooch preference­s shift for reasons ranging from media exposure (social and otherwise) to changing lifestyles as more Americans have moved to cities.

The statistics have limits. Registrati­on is voluntary, the AKC releases few raw numbers, and the popularity rankings measure only the club’s roughly 200 recognized breeds. They don’t include doodles, other deliberate hybrids or everyday mixed-breed dogs, though those can be registered as “all-american dogs” for such sports as agility and obedience.

The Frenchie malaise

Nearly 98,500 French bulldogs joined the AKC pack last year, after a whopping 108,000 in 2022.

The small, solidly built, push-faced dogs have a penchant for comically pensive expression­s and often take city living in stride. “They’re interestin­g little beings,” says Naneice Bucci, who has owned and shown them for decades.

The breed also is now a lightning rod for canine

controvers­y and cultural critique.

There are the foreshorte­ned snouts that can result in labored breathing, gagging, difficulty with exercise and other ills — concerns that prompted the Netherland­s to ban breeding certain individual dogs with muzzles deemed too short. There are pet-store heists and violent robberies, at least one of them deadly. There’s a proliferat­ion of Frenchies with unusual coat colors and textures, which have Frenchie folk squabbling over longtime standards.

And there’s concern among long-timers that the hot market for puppies is incentiviz­ing people who are in it for greed, not the breed.

To Bucci, “it’s a very scary time.”

As a “preservati­on breeder” who follows AKC standards and conducts a battery of internatio­nally recommende­d health tests before her dogs reproduce, she dreads that breeders who don’t do likewise may lead to crackdowns on everyone. And as a founder of Nevada French Bulldog Rescue, she also sees “all of the underbelly of the people who breed indiscrimi­nately.”

“Every time we take in a Frenchie that’s in terrible condition, yes, I get angry,” says Bucci, who lives near Reno. “But at the same time, I don’t want to be punished for trying to do it right.”

Dachshund redux

Among other breeds, the unmistakab­le, low-slung dachshund is riding high at No. 6, its highest ranking since 2004. The dogs ranked as high as third at times in the 1950s-70s.

Their combinatio­n of sprightly cuteness, small size and determinat­ion — they were originally bred to roust badgers — endear them to many. They also have a full-sized bark and a tendency toward stubbornne­ss.

“Even though they’re small, people have to remember: They are hounds,” says Carole Krivanich of Milton, Delaware, whose nearly 15-year-old dachshund Mo is an agility and show champion. A longtime Rottweiler owner, she’s found dachshunds to be “very versatile” and good companions.

On course for popularity

The cane (pronounced Cah’-neh) corso is now 16th in the rankings, remarkable for a breed the AKC first started counting as recently as 2010. (Perhaps it helped that owners have included such figures as NBA great Lebron James and Kansas City Chiefs quarterbac­k Patrick Mahomes.)

The dogs are praised as protective, trainable and attached to their people. But the strong breed is “not for somebody that doesn’t know how to control a dog,”

AKC spokespers­on Brandi Hunter Munden says.

Who’s new?

The bracco Italiano debuts in the standings at 152nd most popular. But the large, long-eared bird-hunters aren’t exactly obscure. Country music power couple Tim Mcgraw and Faith Hill have shared the antics of their bracchi Italiani (that’s the proper plural) on social media. A bracco coowned by Mcgraw notched a first-round “best of breed” win at the prestigiou­s Westminste­r Kennel Club dog show last year.

Who’s few?

The sloughi was rarest among last year’s registrati­ons. Sometimes called Arabian greyhounds, the fleet, somewhat shy dogs joined the AKC pack in 2016.

Gimme shelter

While dogs from affenpinsc­hers to Xoloitzcui­ntlis were bred last year, U.S. animal shelters were already brimming with dogs and cats. Shelters and rescue groups took in about 3.2 million dogs, while 2.2 million dogs were adopted, according to Shelter Animals Count, a nonprofit that gathers shelter data.

There’s “a need for a renewed effort to make adoption a priority for the community,” says the group’s executive director, Stephanie Filer. Shelters have a wide variety of dogs to offer, including specific breeds, she notes.

Hunter Munden, the AKC’S spokespers­on, has two rescue dogs and a purebred herself.

“Rescue is wonderful,” she said. “However, we do understand that people want specific characteri­stics to fit their lifestyle, when it comes to dog ownership, and that’s where purebred dogs come in.”

 ?? PHOTOS BY MARY ALTAFFER — ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE ?? Winston, a French bulldog, competes during the 147th Westminste­r Kennel Club Dog show on May 8, 2023, in New York. Frenchies remain the United States’ most commonly registered purebred dogs last year, according to American Kennel Club.
PHOTOS BY MARY ALTAFFER — ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE Winston, a French bulldog, competes during the 147th Westminste­r Kennel Club Dog show on May 8, 2023, in New York. Frenchies remain the United States’ most commonly registered purebred dogs last year, according to American Kennel Club.
 ?? ?? Memo, a Labrador retriever, competes during the 142nd Westminste­r Kennel Club Dog Show in February 2018at Madison Square Garden.
Memo, a Labrador retriever, competes during the 142nd Westminste­r Kennel Club Dog Show in February 2018at Madison Square Garden.

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