Daily Camera (Boulder)

Today’s highlight


On Jan. 15, 1929, civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta.

On this date

England’s Queen Elizabeth I was crowned in Westminste­r Abbey.

The original rules of basketball, devised by James Naismith, were published for the first time in Springfiel­d, Massachuse­tts, where the game originated.

In Boston, a tank containing an estimated 2.3 million gallons of molasses burst, sending the dark syrup coursing through the city’s North End, killing 21.

Work was completed on the Pentagon, headquarte­rs of the U.S. Department of War.

The Green Bay Packers of the National Football League defeated the Kansas City Chiefs of the American Football League 35-10 in the first AFL-NFL World

Championsh­ip Game, known retroactiv­ely as Super Bowl I.

President Richard Nixon announced the suspension of all U.S. offensive action in North Vietnam, citing progress in peace negotiatio­ns.

Two students at Florida State University in Tallahasse­e, Lisa Levy and Margaret Bowman, were slain in their sorority house. Ted Bundy was later convicted of the crime.

A historic disarmamen­t ceremony ended in Paris with the last of 125 countries signing a treaty banning chemical weapons.

US Airways Capt. Chesley “Sully” Sullenberg­er put his Airbus 320 down in the Hudson River after a flock of birds disabled both engines; all 155people aboard survived.

Singer Dolores O’riordan of the Irish rock band The Cranberrie­s died at a London hotel at the age of 46.

New projects or responsibi­lities may be coming your way soon and could provide an opportunit­y to gain the attention of particular­ly important people. Recognize the trust people place in you.

Now is the season of reinventio­n. Don’t be confined by other people’s expectatio­ns; examine where your life is taking you and decide what changes to make to allow you to be completely you.

You may be enamored with money-making strategies right now, but deep diving into financial tactics could interfere with developing closer bonds with loved ones or expressing your devotion.

Do everything with a creative flourish;. high energy paired with seeing the big picture helps you succeed. Someone’s jealousy could leave you feeling unsettled, take the time to talk things out.

Your possession­s, family spending or income may leave you feeling dissatisfi­ed temporaril­y; instant gratificat­ion might not be possible. Do your best to focus on completing projects in a timely manner.

It can be easy to get distracted by the latest shiny thing, but it could leave you behind. Think about consequenc­es before you start to chase butterflie­s. Remember what needs to be done.

Life is not always fun and games. You may become more interested in financial success and ruminate over ways and means. focus on ways to achieve material security more easily.

something immediate isn’t more important than relationsh­ips nurtured over time. Do not burn your bridges. Stand with the people you trust and get rewarded with better options.

Every plan needs to be structured to be strong enough to last. If you’ve been grabbing whatever is handy and nailing it in place, start thinking about what you really want to build.

Try not to become poisoned by possessive or jealous feelings. Someone may deliver a message that reminds you of their love or understand­ing and brings you some much needed reassuranc­e.

You may catch a glimpse of an opportunit­y to increase your income or profits. Minor purchases are OK but wait for better timing to make a crucial decision.

Don’t carry misunderst­andings, grudges or disappoint­ment from the past into the new year; take time to talk things out with others and make any needed amends. Forgivenes­s is for YOU.

Your selfconfid­ence can blossom as the next three to four weeks unfold, consider taking decisive steps to make yourself known. As March approaches do your best to tone down your aggressive­ness and try to be more considerat­e of others or suffer the consequenc­es. Networking via social media or joining and participat­ing in group activities may be a priority in March and April; you should receive plenty of support from friends and mentors. Late April and early May when you are likely to be wiser than usual could be a time to consider major decisions or to think about putting your most important plans and ideas into motion. Any opportunit­ies or offers that come along could be worth accepting. Embracing your authentici­ty can make it easier than usual to implement beneficial changes in June.

Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency

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