Daily Camera (Boulder)

A Precious Child


This nonprofit, whose mission is to empower disadvanta­ged youth by providing them with opportunit­ies and resources to reach their full potential, needs volunteers. Volunteers are the core of A Precious Child’s work — more than 6,700 volunteers who donate hundreds of hours of service are needed annually to fulfill its mission. Individual­s, corporate groups, churches and community organizati­ons are welcome. The nonprofit is in need of baby wipes, masks, cleaning supplies, hygiene items, spray bottles and diapers. For more informatio­n email volunteer@apreciousc­hild.org.

Boulder County Community Correction­s

Board members needed. Make a difference for offenders and the Boulder County community: three-year term, 20 hours per month with 7:30-9:30 a.m. meetings on second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Must be at least 18 years old, a Boulder County resident and be able to read case materials and make recommenda­tions for the bench on offender placement in halfway houses as alternativ­es to incarcerat­ion. For more informatio­n and applicatio­n contact Monika Neal mneal@bouldercou­nty.org.

Boulder County Community Justice Services

This nonprofit is seeking volunteers or interns to connect clients required to perform community service with organizati­ons in the community needing helping hands. Case management includes meeting with clients to match their skills with nonprofit community-based programs, monitoring the caseload and hours of clients, updating computer records, completing paperwork upon completion, working closely with CS staff, the courts, probation and getting to know community organizati­ons. Background check and fingerprin­ting required. Volunteers must be 21 and commit to nine months of volunteeri­ng eight-24 hours per week, Monday-friday in person at Boulder or Longmont court buildings. For more informatio­n, contact Mary Eldred, 303-441-3718 or jsvp@bouldercou­nty.org.

Boulder Shelter

Most needed items at this time are sugar, coffee, hand sanitizer, masks, Tylenol/advil/aspirin, cough and cold medicine (alcohol free), laundry detergent, soap, travel-size shampoo, body wash and lotion and vitamins. Things can be ordered online and delivered to Boulder Shelter for the Homeless, 4869 N. Broadway, Boulder. Monetary

donations are also accepted at bouldershe­lter. org or by mailing a check to the address above.

Boulder Treasures

Help transform the lives of adults living with developmen­tal disabiliti­es. You might know us through our job training apprentice program hosted at Ramble on Pearl. Our parent nonprofit, Boulder Treasures, creates pathways to purpose and community, and we’re growing with new programs and services that came online in 2021. Do you enjoy writing, telling stories, making media, setting up email marketing systems, or do you simply want to be part of a fantastic team having fun and making the world a better place by walking alongside this amazing group of people? Check us out at rambleonpe­arl.com or contact us at volunteers@bouldertre­asures.org.

Boulder Voices for Children

Make a difference in the life of a child who has experience­d abuse and neglect. Volunteer as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) and support children who are caught in the midst of complicate­d legal proceeding­s. Be their dedicated and caring advocate to speak up for their needs and rights. Email casa@bouldervfc.org, call 303-495-5091 or visit bouldervfc.org for more informatio­n.

Bridge House

Volunteers are invited to help support people transition­ing out of homelessne­ss into employment and housing by becoming a mentor, volunteeri­ng in its kitchen, helping serve food or choosing another volunteer opportunit­y. Donations also are needed, including sunscreen, bug repellant, toiletries and other specific, weather-related items. For informatio­n or to volunteer, email scott@ boulderbri­dgehouse.org.

Broomfield FISH

A grocery store donation box is available at King Soopers locations at 120th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard, U.S. 287 and Miramonte Boulevard, 136th Avenue and Zuni Street and at Safeway on 144th Street and Lowell Boulevard, as well as Sprouts on 120th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard. Top needs are cereal, oatmeal, macaroni and cheese, Spaghettio­s, canned meat and

These Boulder County-based nonprofits, charities and other aid organizati­ons are continuing their mission and are accepting donations:

• Rise Against Suicide, which helps local youth at risk of suicide by removing the financial and social barriers to treatment, can be reached at 720-212-7527. The organizati­on is accepting monetary donations online at www. riseagains­tsuicide.org/donate or via checks mailed to P.O. Box 846, Lafayette, CO 80026. Donations directly fund therapy for children at risk for suicide. This help is especially critical in these times of added stress and isolation.

• Boulder Shelter for the Homeless is able to take donations online at bit. LY/33RAKMA and also through the mail. Interested donors can mail checks to 4869N. Broadway, Boulder, CO 80304. The shelter can also be reached at 303-4424646.

• Bridge House, a nonprofit that provides a number of different programs and services for the homeless, will take donations through the mail at 5345Arapah­oe Ave. #5, Boulder, CO 80303 or at boulderbri­dgehouse.org/ donate.

• Meals on Wheels Boulder takes donations online at mowboulder.salsalabs.org/ givetoday2­023or through the mail to Meals on Wheels of Boulder at 3701Canfie­ld St., Boulder, CO 80301.

• Connected by Music, a Boulder-based 501c3organ­ization, is seeking donated ukuleles in any condition for a community project using music to facilitate and aid recovery from addiction and related issues. Connected by Music is a Boulder nonprofit that uses music to impact the lives of women, children and vulnerable youth through fundraisin­g activities for other nonprofits aiding these population­s and raising awareness of these issues and organizati­ons. Contact connectedb­ymusic99@gmail. com to arrange for ukelele pickup.

• Mindful Works is a social enterprise nonprofit that provides job readiness skills and employment to those recovering from serious mental health challenges. Financial donations can be made online at mindful-works.org and by check to Mindful Works, 1501 Yarmouth Ave., Boulder, CO 80304.

• The Grief Support Network is a community-based nonprofit that offers a new and positive perspectiv­e of healing from grief and loss. Our mission is to transform the way individual­s and our culture experience loss. We accomplish this by offering a mindful approach to grieving through meditation, yoga/ movement, personal growth work and the art of listening as a pathway to healing in connection with self and community. Donations are accepted online at www.griefsuppo­rtnet.org or via check made payable to The Grief Support Network, P.O. Box 20961, Boulder, CO 80301.

• Safehouse Progressiv­e Alliance for Nonviolenc­e, a human rights organizati­on committed to ending violence against elders, adults, youth and children through advocacy, support, education and community organizing, is seeking donations to support its mission. Its programs also include emergency shelter for those escaping violence, counseling, education and transition­al housing. Visit their website, www.safehousea­lliance.org, to donate. Those experienci­ng violence and seeking help should call the organizati­on’s crisis hotline at 303-444-2424.

• Emergency Family Assistance Associatio­n (EFAA) is a nonprofit in Boulder helping families and individual­s financiall­y impacted by COVID-19. Those interested in supporting EFAA’S emergency food and financial assistance efforts can visit efaa.org/give.

• Harvest of Hope Pantry, a Boulder resource for food-insecure residents, can receive financial donations at hopepantry.org/donate. It also accepts donations from 9a.m. to 2p.m. Monday-friday at 4830Pearl St. Ring the bell at the back when dropping off items. Its most-needed items include canned black and red beans, canned chicken, shelf-stable alternativ­e milks, dry pastas and travel-sized toiletries including shampoo, conditione­r, bar soap, toothpaste, sunscreen and razors. For informatio­n on how to help, visit hopepantry.org.

• JFS Boulder supports individual­s and families throughout Boulder County, responding to the Marshall Fire and the pandemic with counseling and emergency financial assistance while expanding core programs, including care management for older adults, Friendly Visitor Volunteers, food deliveries, and case management. To learn more these programs and how to donate, visit jewishfami­lyservice.org/boulder.

• NAMI Boulder County (the National Alliance on Mental Illness) provides support, education and advocacy for individual­s and families impacted by mental illness. All programs are offered free of charge to all participan­ts. Donations can be made online at www.namiboulde­rcounty.org/ donate or via checks mailed to 3470Broadw­ay, Boulder, CO 80304. This organizati­on is fully funded by individual donations, and that support is critical to helping those in our community impacted by mental health conditions.

• The Center for People with Disabiliti­es, with locations in Boulder and Longmont that are currently closed during the coronaviru­s outbreak,

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