Daily Camera (Boulder)

Today’s highlight


On Jan. 11, 1908, President Theodore Roosevelt proclaimed the Grand Canyon National Monument (it became a national park in 1919).

On this date

The first enclosed sedan-type automobile, a Hudson, went on display at the 13th National Automobile Show in New York.

The creation of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences was proposed during a dinner of Hollywood luminaries in Los Angeles.

The Beatles’ single “Please Please Me” (B side “Ask Me Why”) was released in Britain by Parlophone.

U.S. Surgeon General Luther Terry issued “Smoking and Health,” a report that found “cigarette smoking contribute­s substantia­lly to mortality from certain specific diseases and to the overall death rate.”

Nine days before leaving the White House, President Ronald Reagan bade the nation farewell in an address, saying of his years in office: “We meant to change a nation and instead we changed a world.”

Calling the death penalty process “arbitrary and capricious, and therefore immoral,” Illinois Gov. George Ryan commuted the sentences of 167condemn­ed inmates, clearing his state’s death row two days before leaving office.

Health authoritie­s in the central Chinese city of Wuhan reported the first death from what had been identified as a new type of coronaviru­s; the patient was a 61-year-old man who’d been a frequent customer at a food market linked to the majority of cases there.

Do your best to remain patient while someone new may be learning to trust you. There could be some subtle murmurs that can make someone hesitant to jump into your corner. Focus on kindness.

Healthy competitio­n can be perfectly harmless and sometimes helpful. Try not to be threatened by someone’s resistance to your new ideas. Enjoy romantic moments or spend some quality time with friends.

Friends or loved ones may be eager to get closer to you. An organizati­on could lead you to believe that they accept you just as you are, but in the end ask you to change. Make sure your dues are all paid up.

A friendly word delivered at the right time can be beneficial. Consider pursuing forgivenes­s from an acquaintan­ce or calming a situation at work. Unresolved Problems only fester.

You could be popular in many settings. Your astute observatio­ns can make building a team easier, while your imaginativ­e and romantic ideas may delight a special someone. Always stay true to yourself.

Daydreams could have you yearning for something more romantic. Floating on a cloud of inspiratio­n may cause you to be less sensitive to someone’s irritation or to become careless. stay grounded.

Avoid being vague, apathetic, or overly formal if you want to pique the interest of a new acquaintan­ce. Improving your communicat­ion skills could help you catch the eye of an influentia­l person.

Though You may prefer to escape the herd and display your independen­ce, you may find greater success in a collaborat­ion with the most intelligen­t people in the room.

Your instincts may be right on target when dealing with your financial situation or expenses. If you are argumentat­ive or demanding with loved ones you could miss the bull’s eye when it comes to stability in finances or home.

You might get swept away in a wave of what-ifs or thrilling daydreams but could also have the wisdom to know how to turn those visions into an asset. build something of value.

Appreciate the sterling qualities of those closest to you. A supervisor or colleague could provide a cohesive blueprint for financial success that may revitalize your own spending habits or budget planning.

Dreams can bring you subtle messages from your subconscio­us that could be helpful in the waking world. analyze what lesson they are trying to teach and build courage to face your fears.

Find ways to use your energy and initiative in constructi­ve ways during the next four to six weeks. Joining an organizati­on or club where you can pool your knowledge and interact with others could help you make your dreams a reality; you could meet someone inspiring, who brings out your best traits and talents. One of your romantic dreams may be realized in March or April, when you may be able to make changes seamlessly.

Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency

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