Daily Camera (Boulder)

Scrambled eggs wrapped in warm tortillas with chilicilan­tro butter


6 servings

Chili-cilantro butter

1/2 cup (1stick) butter, softened

1tablespoo­n chili powder

1/8 teaspoon ground cumin 1tablespoo­n minced cilantro Eggs

12 eggs

1/4 cup water

1teaspoon seasoned salt Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

3tablespoo­ns butter 1tablespoo­n snipped chives or minced green onions 1tablespoo­n minced fresh parsley

1teaspoon minced


6to 10flour tortillas or 12to 14 corn tortillas

1. Using a food processor, process all chili-cilantro butter ingredient­s until smooth and well blended. Place in a small bowl.

2. Whisk eggs and water in a large bowl; stir in seasoned salt and black pepper. In a large heavy skillet, heat 3tablespoo­ns butter over medium heat. When melted and foam begins to subside, add egg mixture. Reduce heat to low and cook, stirring, for 8to 10 minutes, or until set. If eggs are cooking too quickly (which makes them less creamy) remove them from heat and keep stirring — the residual heat will cook them. Eggs should appear creamy. Sprinkle with chives, parsley and cilantro.

3. Meanwhile heat tortillas. Wrap tortillas in moist kitchen towel and place on microwaves­afe plate or pie pan. Microwave on high for approximat­ely 3minutes, or until heated through. Be careful to avoid steam burns when unwrapping tortillas; the towel will be hot and there will be steam released when opening the towel, so open it so the steam escapes in a direction away from you.

3. If using corn tortillas, double them up to use two for each. Spread tortillas with chili butter and spoon in about 2/3 cup of egg mixture. Fold in half and serve immediatel­y. You probably won’t use all the butter mixture. Refrigerat­e or freeze leftovers and use atop grilled fish, chicken, or beans.

Award-winning food writer Cathy Thomas has written three cookbooks, including “50 Best Plants on the Planet.” Follow her at Cathythoma­scooks.com.

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