Daily Camera (Boulder)

Democratic government­s get their biggest tests in worldwide elections

- Joe Mathews is democracy editor and columnist at Zócalo Public Square, and founder of the new global publicatio­n Democracy Local. By Joe Mathews

2024 will be the biggest election year in history. More than 4 billion people, or more than half of humanity, live in countries with upcoming elections. Can democracy survive it? That question may sound cynical. But, in the 21st century, romantic ideas of democracy are dying. The latest global reports show democracy contractin­g across every world region. And elections rarely renew faith in democracy. Authoritar­ian rulers use them to consolidat­e power. They inspire frustratio­n, divide societies and spark violence.

Elections can also make democracie­s vulnerable to outside attack. On my recent visit to Taiwan, which holds presidenti­al elections Jan. 13, Vincent Chao of the ruling Democratic Progressiv­e Party told me that the election itself was a form of national security against China, which insists it will reunify with the island nation — by force if necessary. “Democracy is our best defense,” Chao said.

But democracy also makes Taiwan vulnerable. The Chinese government and its proxies exploit the island’s open politics to spread misinforma­tion, funnel money to its Taiwanese supporters and raise doubts about democracy itself.

Despite this, Taiwan’s election is freer and fairer than most.

2024’s first election, in Bangladesh on Jan. 7, will merely cement existing rule; the main opposition party is refusing to contest the election. Pakistan’s Feb. 8 election is likely only to add to conflict involving the country’s most popular politician, former premier Imran Khan, and the powerful military. And in Iran, the ruling mullahs are disqualify­ing thousands of candidates in March 1 parliament­ary elections.

On March 17, both Russia and Ukraine are scheduled to hold elections. But it’s likely that only Russia’s unfree and unfair voting will go forward. Ukraine’s democratic election, meanwhile, may be postponed to protect its voters from being killed by Russian bombs.

In the spring, some crucial elections could reveal whether opposition­s can reverse democratic decline. On April 10, South Korea holds legislativ­e elections in which the opposition seeks to check President Yoon Suk Yeol, who has reduced womens’ rights and press freedoms.

Growing authoritar­ianism is the backdrop for the world’s largest election, India’s monthlong voting in April and May. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is favored to win a third fiveyear term. But his autocratic behavior includes limiting the power of regions, punishing critics, and a crackdown in Kashmir.

The world’s second biggest election will come in the European Union, where 400 million voters across 27 countries will elect the European Parliament in June. But far-right, anti-migrant parties hostile to democracy will likely make significan­t gains.

Across many countries holding elections this year, there are serious questions about the administra­tion of polling. Nowhere are such questions bigger than in Mexico, where the outgoing president and his party stripped the independen­t national election institute of the resources to organize the June 2 balloting.

Then there’s the U.S. presidenti­al election in November. Donald Trump still claims, falsely, to have won the 2020 election, and defends his 2021 insurrecti­on. Neverthele­ss, he is leading in the polls, and pledging to bring “dictatorsh­ip” if he regains the presidency.

The prospect of a dictator leading the so-called “free world” may test whether there is still a God, as Bismarck is supposed to have said, who “protects idiots, drunkards, children and the United States of America.”

By year’s end, earthlings may feel as though they’ve lived through one long global election — and may start wondering if there is a better way.

If they do, they might look to the global movement to establish governing assemblies of everyday people, chosen by lottery, as alternativ­es to elected bodies.

They might also start rethinking the nation-state itself. Nation-states simultaneo­usly seem too small to address planetary challenges like climate change, pandemics, and war, and too big to meet the needs of local communitie­s.

If the point of democracy is to solve our problems, then national elections may come to seem beside the point. The coming year could then inspire interest in new democratic tools to better govern local communitie­s and our world.

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