Daily Camera (Boulder)

Today’s highlight


On Dec. 24, 1968, the Apollo 8astronaut­s, orbiting the moon, read passages from the Old Testament Book of Genesis during a Christmas Eve telecast.

On this date

The United States and Britain signed the Treaty of Ghent, which ended the War of 1812 following ratificati­on by both the British Parliament and the U.S. Senate.

Fire devastated the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., destroying about 35,000 volumes.

Several veterans of the Confederat­e Army formed a private social club in Pulaski, Tennessee, that was the original version of the Ku Klux Klan.

Canadian physicist Reginald A. Fessenden became the first person to transmit the human voice as well as music over radio, from Brant Rock, Massachuse­tts.

In 1913, 73people, most of them children, died in a crush of panic after a false cry of “Fire!” during a Christmas party for striking miners and their families at the Italian Hall in Calumet, Michigan.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower supreme commander of Allied forces in Europe as part of Operation Overlord.

Gian Carlo Menotti’s “Amahl and the Night Visitors,” the first opera written specifical­ly for television, was broadcast by NBC-TV.

Actor Tom Cruise married his “Days of Thunder” co-star, Nicole Kidman, during a private ceremony at a Colorado ski resort.

President George H.W. Bush pardoned former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and five others in the Irancontra scandal.

Actors Charles Durning, 89, and Jack Klugman, 90, died on the same day.

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II granted a posthumous pardon to code-breaker Alan Turing, who was convicted of homosexual behavior in the 1950s.

Peru’s president announced that he had granted a medical pardon to jailed former strongman Alberto Fujimori, 79, who had been serving a 25-year sentence for human rights abuses, corruption and the sanctionin­g of death squads.

Golfer Kathy Whitworth, who had 88career LPGA victories, died at age 83.

Now could be the time to let your enthusiasm show. Try not to be afraid when it comes to making the first move when it comes to love. It can be okay to get your hands dirty when putting together something for some family fun.

If someone thinks you are a bit eccentric, you may be pleasantly surprised to learn they find you amusing rather than annoying. Your skills could be on full display and may get the opportunit­y to take control and save the day.

Your friends may monopolize your time or take up space you usually reserve for family time. Participat­ion in a group event could put you at odds with a relative who might have other plans. Try to divide your time fairly.

Being in harmony with a special someone could have you humming a happy tune all day. You might be set on following family traditions but remain flexible enough to accept other people’s opinions or customs.

Generosity much like love must come from your heart.

You could help fulfill someone else’s daydreams by giving freely whenever you can. Logic may not always hold sway when emotions are concerned.

Sometimes you can get caught up in a moment if disappoint­ment disturbs your harmony. Do your best to remember the many times your expectatio­ns may have been exceeded by loved ones to help put things into perspectiv­e.

Merriment can be facilitate­d if you are willing to experiment with some new ways to bring people together. Finding loving harmony with your tribe could help make great memories to treasure for years to come.

Tender feelings within a romantic relationsh­ip or close friendship could be magnified right now. You can enjoy a deepened sense of intimacy as you share in merrymakin­g with loved ones. Do your best to keep the peace.

Sentimenta­lity may have a special place in your home. You could be filled with seasonal spirit but might need to have more practical considerat­ions to deal with, such as cooking or keeping an eye on the weather reports.

Someone who seems unapproach­able could have a gentle side hiding underneath. You may find it easier to call a truce now. You might be in a take-charge mood and feeling enthusiast­ic about preparing for a celebratio­n.

When the weather outside is frightful be grateful if you have the freedom to remain snug and cozy indoors. Prepare some extra treats if you feel there may not be enough to go around at a gathering.

If at first you do not succeed, you can still try again. Your resolve to be more understand­ing might weaken if faced with confusing reactions from others. Continue to be kind and try not to be concerned by mixed signals.

You may be feeling inspired by your New Year’s resolution or by the company you keep, but much can be accomplish­ed if you are enthusiast­ic or energetic as the next two to three weeks unfold. Business meetings and friendly gatherings can be your priorities in February. Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency

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