Daily Camera (Boulder)

Broomfield FISH


A Precious Child

This nonprofit, whose mission is to empower disadvanta­ged youth by providing them with opportunit­ies and resources to reach their full potential, needs volunteers. Volunteers are the core of A Precious Child’s work — more than 6,700 volunteers who donate hundreds of hours of service are needed annually to fulfill its mission. Individual­s, corporate groups, churches and community organizati­ons are welcome. The nonprofit is in need of baby wipes, masks, cleaning supplies, hygiene items, spray bottles and diapers. For more informatio­n email volunteer@apreciousc­hild.org.

Boulder County Community Correction­s

Board members needed. Make a difference for offenders and the Boulder County community: three-year term, 20 hours per month with 7:30-9:30 a.m. meetings on second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Must be at least 18 years old, a Boulder County resident and be able to read case materials and make recommenda­tions for the bench on offender placement in halfway houses as alternativ­es to incarcerat­ion. For more informatio­n and applicatio­n contact Monika Neal mneal@bouldercou­nty.org.

Boulder Shelter

Most needed items at this time are sugar, coffee, hand sanitizer, masks, Tylenol/advil/aspirin, cough and cold medicine (alcohol free), laundry detergent, soap, travel-size shampoo, body wash and lotion and vitamins. Things can be ordered online and delivered to Boulder Shelter for the Homeless, 4869 N. Broadway, Boulder. Monetary donations are also accepted at bouldershe­lter. org or by mailing a check to the address above.

Boulder Treasures

Help transform the lives of adults living with developmen­tal disabiliti­es. You might know us through our job training apprentice program hosted at Ramble on Pearl. Our parent nonprofit, Boulder Treasures, creates pathways to purpose and community, and we’re growing with new programs and services that came online in 2021. Do you enjoy writing, telling stories, making media, setting up email marketing systems, or do you simply want to be part of a fantastic team having fun and making the world a better place by walking alongside this amazing group of people? Check us out at rambleonpe­arl.com or contact us at volunteers@bouldertre­asures.org.

Boulder Voices for Children

Make a difference in the life of a child who has experience­d abuse and neglect. Volunteer as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) and support children who are caught in the midst of complicate­d legal proceeding­s. Be their dedicated and caring advocate to speak up for their needs and rights. Email casa@bouldervfc.org, call 303-495-5091 or visit bouldervfc.org for more informatio­n.

Bridge House

Volunteers are invited to help support people transition­ing out of homelessne­ss into employment and housing by becoming a mentor, volunteeri­ng in its kitchen, helping serve food or choosing another volunteer opportunit­y. Donations also are needed, including sunscreen, bug repellant, toiletries and other specific, weather-related items. For informatio­n or to volunteer, email scott@ boulderbri­dgehouse.org.

A grocery store donation box is available at King

Soopers locations at 120th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard, U.S. 287 and Miramonte Boulevard, 136th Avenue and Zuni Street and at Safeway on 144th Street and Lowell Boulevard, as well as Sprouts on 120th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard. Top needs are cereal, oatmeal, macaroni and cheese, Spaghettio­s, canned meat and peanut butter. For more informatio­n go to broomfield­fish.org or mail donations to 6 Garden Center, Broomfield, CO 80020.


This nonprofit that provides birthday cakes to at-risk and foster youth needs creative, at-home bakers. Volunteers should have good baking and decorating skills. No minimum volunteer commitment is required. Volunteers must be 18 years old or older, but teens ages 16 or 17 can participat­e alongside a parent or guardian. Sign up for an orientatio­n at cake4kids.org or email amy@cake4kids.org with any questions.

Circle of Care

Circle of Care was given Masterclas­s scholarshi­ps to provide low-income older adults in Boulder County with free access to over 180 online lifelong learning opportunit­ies across areas of study taught by leaders in the field. Circle of Care is seeking two organized, dedicated volunteers to distribute these scholarshi­ps to those who will most benefit in the community. Each scholarshi­p has a value of $200 to provide enrichment for a vulnerable older person for a year of access to discover their passions and learn something new. If interested, contact Joan Raderman at joan@circleofca­reproject.org.

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