Daily Camera (Boulder)

Today’s highlight


On Dec. 30, 1922, Vladimir Lenin proclaimed the establishm­ent of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which lasted nearly seven decades before dissolving in December 1991.

On this date

British troops burned Buffalo, New York, during the War of 1812.

10 days after South Carolina seceded from the Union, the state militia seized the United States Arsenal in Charleston.

About 600 people died when fire broke out at the recently opened Iroquois Theater in Chicago.

Olympic gold medal runner Malvin G. Whitfield became the first Black recipient of the James E. Sullivan Award for amateur athletes.

The United States halted its heavy bombing of North Vietnam.

A gunman walked into a pair of suburban Boston abortion clinics and opened fire, killing two employees. (John C. Salvi

III was later convicted of murder; he died in prison, an apparent suicide.)

A fire broke out during a rock concert at a nightclub in Buenos Aires, Argentina, killing 194 people.

A state funeral service was held in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda for former President Gerald R. Ford.

Seven CIA employees and a Jordanian intelligen­ce officer were killed by a suicide bomber at a U.S. base in Khost, Afghanista­n.

Recalling that the shooting rampage that killed 20first graders in Connecticu­t as the worst day of his presidency, President Barack Obama pledged to put his “full weight” behind legislatio­n aimed at preventing gun violence.

Old acquaintan­ces may not be forgotten this weekend. You may hear from long lost friends or distant relatives who want to send seasonal greetings. You could find yourself immersed in feelings of love and affection.

Money may pay the bills but sharing some fun times with friends or loved ones could yield more lasting rewards. Be sure to remain prepared to manage some last-minute changes to your already busy social calendar.

Your resolution could be to speak well of everyone or to say nothing at all. If you have been fronting financiall­y, there might be an awkward situation or conversati­on at an upcoming gathering.

Some people might expect something that you are not ready to give. Getting your well-intentione­d suggestion­s to a friend could prove to be difficult. Concentrat­e on making the best of your free time.

Romantic or creative daydreams could be like catnip for your soul. No matter what the weather is like outside, your heart can be warmed by anticipati­on of upcoming events. Appreciate helpful friends and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Make calls or reply to texts early in the day so you can begin to prepare for upcoming gatherings. Thoughtful conversati­ons could offer inspiratio­n or spark innovative ideas to bring you closer to someone.

Make sure to take care of any loose ends. Handle any lingering issues that could impact your health or potential new job opportunit­ies. You may feel compelled to learn everything about someone new in your life.

Spend your time and money on the things that can make loved ones feel appreciate­d and cherished. Anything may seem possible as the new year approaches. Consider setting plans in motion that could bring worthwhile changes.

Holiday celebratio­ns may need to begin early if you have to accommodat­e someone else’s busy schedule. There should be time for a heartto-heart conversati­on that can give you something new to consider.

Prepare to enter the new year with a clean slate and the ability to make a fresh start. Do your best to focus on the improvemen­ts that can reflect well on your dedication to everyone’s happiness or creature comforts.

People can appreciate your selfless gestures. Consider dropping in on friends who enjoy impromptu visits. This could be a wonderful time to look towards the future without dwelling on the past.

Now may be the time to resolve something; release animositie­s into the ether and forgive for your own sake. Give in to feelings of sentimenta­lity and make this a time to remember by taking photos to share.

Once the holidays are over you can get back to business as usual; you may need to seriously apply yourself during the next two to three weeks. Your hard work and strict attention to duty could be worthwhile since rewards could come pouring in during February. Something you initiate at that time could help propel you into a brighter future.

Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency

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