Daily Camera (Boulder)

Gov. Polis pardons two men for 1983 Boulder County theft

- By Nicky Andrews niandrews @prairiemou­ntainmedia.com

Two men have been granted clemency by Colorado Gov. Jared Polis for a 1983 theft in which they stole $10,000 worth of equipment from a church music room.

Forty years ago, Eric P. Christense­n, 60, and Robbie J. Finley, 60, made two trips to a church to steal thousands of dollars worth of equipment. They were arrested, convicted and sentenced to probation with community service and restitutio­n to the victims — which they successful­ly completed, according to Boulder County District Attorney’s Office spokeswoma­n Shannon Carbone.

Since then, Christense­n has received a GED, undergradu­ate degree and a master’s degree from New York University, while working night shifts. According to Carbone, Christense­n has had long-term stable employment with several companies, has a family and has been an active community member.

Finley worked to get an education at Front Range Community College, the University of Northern Colorado and has held steady employment, according to Carbone. Finley has been married for 33 years and has cared for two people with special needs. Carbone said Finley now hopes to become a special education teacher.

In the release, Carbone said the DA’S office strongly supported their clemency requests.

“Both individual­s took full responsibi­lity for this crime,” Boulder County District Attorney Michael Dougherty said in the release.

“In their clemency applicatio­ns, each one recognized their mistake and did not minimize the consequenc­es of their actions. Each went on to build a successful life, career, and family. This office strongly supported their requests for a pardon because they have demonstrat­ed that the barriers associated with a felony conviction are no longer necessary or appropriat­e.”

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