Daily Camera (Boulder)

Activists walk for immigratio­n reform

- By Saja Hindi shindi@denverpost.com

For three days, did was walk.

The immigrant rights activists walked, despite blisters forming on their feet and their shoes wearing thin, despite the physical and emotional toll it was taking on their bodies, and despite the cold air that blew against their faces. They walked for 60 miles because, if nothing else, it forced the people around them to pay attention.

Colorado immigrants and their allies joined for all or part of the journey from Denver to Greeley earlier this month in a pilgrimage calling for the state’s congressio­nal leaders to support legislatio­n that would expand a pathway to citizenshi­p for immigrants lacking legal status. A federal bill would update what’s known as the immigratio­n registry, which has been used in the past to grant amnesty to waves of immigrants who entered the country without authorizat­ion.

More than a dozen advocates joined the long walk at stops along the way, while a handful — all immigrants themselves — made the entire journey. The participan­ts stopped in Denver, Northglenn, Brighton, Fort Lupton, Plattevill­e and Greeley, sleeping in churches at night. They met with staff members representi­ng Colorado’s congressio­nal leaders as well as with community members.

“Our community is determined to get (a path to citizenshi­p), no matter how long or how hard the road is,” said Raquel Lane-arellano, a spokespers­on for the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition.

The immigratio­n registry, created by Congress in 1929, has allowed people who entered the United States without documentat­ion before a certain date to apply for permanent residency if they are not subject to deportatio­n for other reasons. Since the registry’s establishm­ent, the cutoff date has been updated four times — most recently extended to apply to arrivals by Jan. 1, 1972, in a change approved in 1986, when President Ronald Reagan was in office.

At the time, Reagan, a Republican, also granted amnesty for immigrant children without documentat­ion through an executive order.

Supporters of another update say it’s one of the easiest ways to offer a quick legal all they path to permanent residency for more than 8 million immigrants who have lived in the country for years, setting down roots. They now rely on a patchwork of immigratio­n laws that apply only to some immigrants — and they can only look for hope to a divided Congress that for years has failed to pass fixes for the broken immigratio­n system.

As broader immigratio­n reform bills proposing registry updates have stalled in recent years, at least part of the opposition has stemmed from a resistance by more conservati­ve elected leaders to grant legal status to large groups of people who entered the country without authorizat­ion. Opponents of the idea tend to favor stronger enforcemen­t of existing immigratio­n laws, including stepped-up border security and, in some cases, more deportatio­ns.

Lane-arrellano, whose family immigrated from Mexico, said she has relatives who benefited from the last registry update decades ago. Others are “forced to live in unnecessar­y substandar­d status because Congress refuses to take action,” she said, even though they’ve lived in and contribute­d to the U.S. for decades.

For Leticia Ramirez, a 46-year-old mother of three who has lived in Colorado for 21 years since coming from Mexico, a big part of the pilgrimage was also about informing the community. She said the legislatio­n incentiviz­ing illegal immigratio­n or mass amnesty.”

 ?? PHOTOS BY HYOUNG CHANG — THE DENVER POST ?? Leticia Ramirez and immigrant rights advocates begin a “Pilgrimage for Citizenshi­p” from Denver to Greeley at the Colorado Capitol building in Denver on Dec. 1. The march’s aim was to pressure Colorado’s congressio­nal delegation to support a bill that would update the Registry Act to provide more immigrants a path to permanent legal status.
PHOTOS BY HYOUNG CHANG — THE DENVER POST Leticia Ramirez and immigrant rights advocates begin a “Pilgrimage for Citizenshi­p” from Denver to Greeley at the Colorado Capitol building in Denver on Dec. 1. The march’s aim was to pressure Colorado’s congressio­nal delegation to support a bill that would update the Registry Act to provide more immigrants a path to permanent legal status.
 ?? ?? Marlin Solis, 10, left, holds her brother Alfonso Enriquez, 3, during a rally at the Colorado Capitol building in Denver on Friday, Dec. 1. Attendees hoped to pressure Colorado’s congressio­nal delegation to support a bill that would update the Registry Act to provide more immigrants a path to permanent legal status.
Marlin Solis, 10, left, holds her brother Alfonso Enriquez, 3, during a rally at the Colorado Capitol building in Denver on Friday, Dec. 1. Attendees hoped to pressure Colorado’s congressio­nal delegation to support a bill that would update the Registry Act to provide more immigrants a path to permanent legal status.

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