China Daily Global Edition (USA)

DefenseTra­de group chief: expands Military network ready in Washington­to engage in cooperatio­n

- ByJIANG MINLU CHENGLONGZ­HANG in Washington minluzhang@chinadaily­ jiangcheng­

Minister A Chinese of National organizati­on Defense dedicated Dong Jun said to on promoting Wednesday internatio­nal that the Chinese trade military and investment is willing between to engage China in pragmatic and foreign and businesses friendly cooperatio­n expanded what with the it called armed forces its “circle of other of nations friends” to in create Washington a world on of Tuesday, lasting peace a move and that universal a United security. States trade group He made sees as the a remarks positive during sign for a reception bilateral trade. held by the Ministry of National The China Defense Council at the for Great the Promotion Hall of the People of Internatio­nal in Beijing to Trade, celebrate founded the 97th in 1952, anniversar­y works to of the strengthen founding the of the bonds People’s between Liberation Chinese Army, and foreign which is businesses on Thursday. and advances internatio­nal economic Dong said and that trade the Chinese exchanges. military is also The ready organizati­on, to work with which the opened armed forces an office of other in countries Maryland to implement in 1988, moved the concept to a new of a community location in the with US a capital shared future on Tuesday, for mankind, sharing as well the same as the building Global Developmen­t with the US Chamber Initiative, of the Commerce. Global Security Around Initiative 130 business and the representa­tives Global Civilizati­on from Initiative, about to 60 foster US companies a security framework and 40 Chinese characteri­zed companies by fairness, attended justice a reception and joint constructi­on held to mark and the sharing. opening of the office.

Chinese In his speech, Ambassador Dong to extended the US Xie his greetings Feng noted to the that officers the CCPIT and hosted delegation­s from the US Chamber of Commerce in February, and from the US-China Business Council in July. personnel “The representa­tive of the PLA, members office of CCPIT the armed has police served and as an paramilita­ry important bridge units, and and paid bond tribute (for) Chinese to veterans and American and heroes business who contribute­d activities. to It has the played developmen­t an of important the people’s role armed in strengthen­ing forces and representa­tives bilateral economic of army and role trade models. relations,” Xie said.

Tuesday’s He said that event the followed PLA is the steadfastl­y conclusion advancing on July 18 of at the a new third historical plenary juncture, session of underscori­ng the 20th Central that all

Committee military personnel of the Communist are guided Party by of Xi China, Jinping which Thought highlighte­d on Strengthen­ing expanding market the Military access and in are various committed sectors and to following promoting the an path open of economic building system a strong to benefit military global with cooperatio­n. Chinese characteri­stics. “The session has made the arrangemen­ts He also stressed for the opening-up, importance including of forging steadily absolute expanding loyalty institutio­nal to the Party, opening-up, focusing on broadening combat readiness, market access enhancing and effectivel­y capabiliti­es, protecting and the consolidat­ing legitimate and rights improving of foreign the investment integrated companies,” national strategic he said. system and capabiliti­es to achieve the centenary Visit, objectives of the PLA.

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