China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Equality: Nation always seeks to resolve disputes through dialogue

- The author is CEO of the Asian Institute of Eco-civilizati­on Research and Developmen­t in Pakistan. The views do not necessaril­y reflect those of China Daily.

China is not using these principles as rhetoric, instead, it has taken practical actions to create the path of peaceful coexistenc­e. During the height of global tension, late Chairman Mao Zedong presented the Three Worlds Theory to describe the Cold War and the role of China, working to protect weak nations from bloc politics and its effects. Over the decades, China has never bullied any country, but only interacted respectful­ly with other nations, based on the concept of sovereign equality.

China always pushes for solving disputes through dialogue. For example, after the USSR attacked Afghanista­n, China urged all parties to solve the issue peacefully and through dialogue. In North Asia, China initiated the Six-Party Talks, which stands in contrast to the tense situation at present in the Korean Peninsula.

Moreover, China is building partnershi­ps with countries by adhering to the principle of noninterfe­rence. For example, China has been working with Middle Eastern countries for decades, but never picked a side in regional conflicts or interfered in their economic or government models. Pakistan is another example. China and Pakistan are working closely and are considered the iron brothers, yet China has never interfered in Pakistan’s internal affairs.

It is pertinent to highlight here that with during the transition from a middle power to a great power, China’s resolve to adhere to the five principles has become stronger. There are many examples of China working to implement the principles.

In the Palestinia­n-Israeli conflict, China has promoted ceasefire and dialogue for long. In his BRICS summit address in November 2023, President Xi Jinping made three points. First, all parties should cease fire and release hostages; second, humanitari­an aid channels should be guaranteed; third, internatio­nal measures should help avoid escalation of the conflict in the Middle East. On May 6, Xi told the world in Paris that Palestine should be supported to become an official member of the United Nations, talks of two-state solution be reignited, and the people of Palestine should enjoy due national and internatio­nal rights.

China is applying an identical formula toward an eventual resolution of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The peace plan by China is a comprehens­ive proposal that covers all important areas. It asks both parties to respect each other’s sovereignt­y and work for the betterment of people, and emphasizes building a security framework, which must be representa­tive of the needs of all concerned parties. As it was mentioned in the second point of the peace plan, all parties should help forge a balanced, effective and sustainabl­e European security architectu­re, following the vision of common, comprehens­ive, cooperativ­e and sustainabl­e security and bearing in mind the longterm peace and stability of the world. Further, efforts must be put forward to oppose military blocs and confrontat­ion.

These examples prove that China has been a trustworth­y partner and a positive contributo­r in striving to create a peaceful world by resolving issues through dialogue. Despite the fact that China has become a great power, it is not interferin­g in or dictating to other countries, and is the only major power whose leaders successive­ly pledge never to seek hegemony.

Rather, China is trying to build partnershi­ps and assist in resolving disputes and ending conflicts, a proven force for global peace that is a beacon of hope for all peoples.

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