China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Violence Conference flares leadersin West Bankcall for amid improvedGa­za fighting ties


NUR SHAMS, West Bank / GAZA — Israeli strikes on the southern Gaza city of Rafah overnight killed 18 people, including 14 children, health officials said on Sunday, as the violence The spilled United into States the and West China Bank. must continue Israel has to have carried constructi­ve out near-daily open air dialogue raids between on Rafah, its where top diplomats, more than or half geopolitic­s of Gaza’s could population pose new of challenges 2.3 million to bilateral has sought business, refuge direct from fighting foreign elsewhere. investment, education It has also and diplomatic vowed to expand ties, participan­ts its ground in offensive a conference to the in city New York on the have warned. border with Egypt despite The annual internatio­nal conference and calls gala for of restraint, the Committee including of 100 from in Manhattan the United on States. Friday covered a range of topics on the state The and first future strike of US-China killed a man, relations. his wife The and event their celebrated 3-year-old the committee’s child, according 35th anniversar­y to the nearby and focused Kuwaiti on Hospital, foreign relations, which received especially the the bodies. state The of US-China woman was relations pregnant, and and what the is doctors needed to managed reduce tensions. to save the baby, the The hospital participan­ts, said. The including second former strike killed ambassador­s, 13 children academics, and two women, policymake­rs, all from philanthro­pists, the same family, influencer­s according to and hospital cultural records. figures, An stressed airstrike the in Rafah importance the night of continued before killed dialogue nine people, between including the world’s six children. two largest economies Israeli Prime to minimize Minister any Benjamin potential Netanyahu misunderst­andings. has faced wide internatio­nal The former opposition US to ambassador the plan to to attack China Max Rafah, Baucus where told the China military Daily: says the last remaining organized brigades “The more of people Hamas talk are to located each other and where more frequently, the 133 remaining the more Israeli they begin hostages to understand are believed each to other, be held. therefore they The begin conflict, to trust now each in other its seventh more. month, “Much has more sparked needs regional to be done unrest, (to pitting smooth Israel relations) and in the dialogue, US against communicat­ion, Iran and allied back and militant forth meetings, groups across between the American Middle East. people Israel and Chinese and Iran people.” traded fire directly earlier this month, US senators raising fears should of visit all-out China war between because personal the longtime communicat­ion foes. is vital, Tensions he said. have He also also said risen students in the Israeli-occupied from both countries West can benefit Bank. from The Israeli cultural military exchanges. said troops “neutralize­d” Also two taking Palestinia­ns part in the who conference attacked a were checkpoint two other with former a knife US and ambassador­s a gun near the to China, southern J. Stapleton West Bank Roy town (1991of Hebron 95), by video early on link, Sunday. and Gary It was Locke not immediatel­y (2011-14). Thirteen clear if people they were have killed. acted No as US Israeli ambassador­s forces were to wounded. China over the past At 35 least years. 469 Palestinia­ns have been Roy killed and Locke by Israeli looked soldiers at US-China and settlers relations in while the they West were Bank ambassador­s since the start and noted of the war the in difference­s Gaza, according today to as the they Palestinia­n assessed what health is ministry. needed for Most the have future. been killed during Israeli military The arrest conference raids, which also often examined trigger gunbattles, domestic issues or in that violent Chinese protests. Americans Thousands in the US of face. Israelis have taken to A the summit streets in November to call for of new President elections Xi Jinping to replace and US President Netanyahu Joe and Biden a alongside the Asia-Pacific Economic geopolitic­al tensions flare up. Cooperatio­n meeting was hailed as a Still, he encouraged businesses to monumental step forward on various “stay focused”. key issues, most participan­ts said. Ganesh Iyer, chief executive of Nio

However, Stephen Roach, an economist US, an electric vehicle maker, said and senior fellow in the Jackson events such as this conference are a Institute for Global Affairs at Yale University, positive way of looking at key bilateral a senior lecturer in the Yale concerns.

School of Management and former “All such events are always welcome,” chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia, said he told China Daily. “The more that greater effort is needed. we communicat­e, the more misunderst­andings

The spin was positive after the summit, go away. The better that we but there are a lot of issues that understand each other, the better we still need to be addressed, Roach told will collaborat­e.”

China Daily on the state of US-China The conference also looked at the relations. economic outlook for China and

“You can always be hopeful.” increased bilateral competitio­n, days A Palestinia­n A discussion woman on the state checks of foreign the rubble after of Biden a home called hit by for overnight more tariffs Israeli direct investment bombing in in China Rafah by in US the companies southern on Chinese Gaza Strip steel on Saturday and aluminum amid the conflict and vice between versa pointed Israel and to geopolitic­s Hamas. products. dampening the flow. Yasheng Huang, a professor of

Pin Ni, president of Wanxiang global economics and management deal America with Corporatio­n, Hamas to release who has the been hostages. a at veto the Sloan last week School of Management Security doing Netanyahu business in has the vowed US since to continue he Council. at Massachuse­tts Institute of Technology, set up the the company war until 30 Hamas years ago, is In an told interview China with Daily the that official while destroyed said the annual and all revenue the hostages of the company, are Palestinia­n there is intense news competitio­n agency between WAFA, returned. involved in automotive, clean Abbas the world’s said the two Palestinia­n largest economies, Authority energy, Palestinia­n investment President and Mahmoud industrial “competitio­n would reconsider itself does bilateral not destroy relations Abbas markets, condemned and with the operations US for stopping in relationsh­ips. with the US. Economic competitio­n 23 US the states, United has Nations grown from from recognizin­g zero makes countries strong. I worry to $4 billion. a Palestinia­n Pin said state he by has casting seen about geopolitic­al conflict.”

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