China Daily Global Edition (USA)

China ‘disappoint­ed’ as US blocks Gaza ceasefire for 4th time at UN

- By MINLU ZHANG at the United Nations minluzhang@chinadaily­

A Chinese envoy to the United Nations on Tuesday reiterated disappoint­ment with the United States for blocking for the fourth time the UN Security Council’s call for a ceasefire in services Gaza. from telling users about payment Since options Monday, available the UN through General their Assembly websites, has which debated would the avoid US’ Feb the 20 30 percent veto that fee blocked charged when an immediate people pay humanitari­an through apps ceasefire, downloaded calling with instead the for iOS a App conditiona­l Store, said “temporary the European ceasefire” Commission. involving the release of hostages held by Hamas.

Geng Shuang, China’s deputy permanent

Deal reached to reduce representa­tive to the UN, plastic told the packaging assembly that waste China was The “extremely EU reached disappoint­ed” a deal on Monday that the US evening had “forcibly to ban the blocked” plastic wrapping the Security of fruit Council’s and vegetables call for a in ceasefire supermarke­ts, nearly five mini months packages after of the ketchup outbreak in restaurant­s of the Gaza conflict. and tiny shampoo bottles in hotels Geng in a drive said to the cut result waste of from the vote packaging. clearly shows Under the that deal, on a the range issue of of “single-use demanding plastic a ceasefire packaging in formats”, Gaza, the vast including majority the of council use of shrinkwrap members are in for agreement. suitcases in airports, would be banned “However, from 2030. the United Negotiator­s States has also been set a the target only of at country least 10 to percent abuse its for the veto use power of reusable to stifle packaging the consensus for alcoholic of the and council, non-alcoholic causing widespread beverages discontent by the end in of the decade. internatio­nal community,” Geng added.

UNITED “An STATES immediate ceasefire in Gaza is

a prerequisi­te to save innocent civilians

Airman pleads guilty in and provide humanitari­an assistance

Pentagon leaks case and a key to avoiding further The escalation US airman and accused proliferat­ion of leaking of a the trove conflict,” of top secret he said. Pentagon documents

Geng stressed that as Ramadan is approachin­g, the internatio­nal community must push for an immediate ceasefire and end to the conflict with the strongest sense of urgency and political determinat­ion, in order to preserve the hope of survival for the people of Gaza.

“We urge Israel to immediatel­y change course, cancel its offensive plans pleaded against guilty Rafah, on cease Monday military under attacks a deal on that Gaza, saw and him stop sentenced the forced to transfer some 17 years and collective in prison punishment in return for of prosecutor­s the Palestinia­n dropping population,” more serious Geng said. espionage charges. Jack Teixeira, once “We a low-level call on the Massachuse­tts country concerned Air National to put Guard aside geostrateg­ic IT specialist, considerat­ions was accused of and orchestrat­ing domestic political the most calculatio­ns, damaging be leak truly of impartial US classified and documents responsibl­e in in a making decade, the some right of choice, which and concerned play a constructi­ve the conflict role in Ukraine. in promoting a ceasefire in Gaza,” he said.

Geng emphasized that the twostate

GERMANY solution is “the only viable way” Nation braces for fresh

to resolve the Palestinia­n-Israeli issue. rail, He air noted travel that some strikes Israeli political Germany figures is braced have openly for more and travel repeatedly misery rejected after unions the two-state on Monday solution called and for any renewed internatio­nal walkouts efforts at toward airline independen­t Lufthansa and Palestinia­n rail operator statehood. Deutsche “This Bahn, is very amid alarming,” escalating he said. rows “We over urge inflation-busting Israel to cease pay discrediti­ng rises. Lufthansa the two-state ground staff solution, will stage stop a two-day eroding strike the basis from of Thursday, the two-state the powerful solution, Verdi and union end its announced, illegal settlement accusing activities,” management the at ambassador the airline group said. of showing “no willingnes­s” to come China up with calls an for improved intensifie­d offer. internatio­nal The stoppage would and impact regional passenger diplomatic services efforts from to reshape Thursday a credible until Saturday, multilater­al Verdi process, said. Some revitalize 200,000 the air political travelers prospects would be for affected, the two-state Lufthansa solution, warned. and The relaunch strike direct call comes Palestinia­nless

Israeli negotiatio­ns, Geng said.

He called for an internatio­nal peace conference that is “more broad-based and effective”. “We support Palestine in becoming a full member state of the UN at an earlier date,” he said.

Geng urged Israel, as the occupying power, “to comply with its obligation­s under internatio­nal law to guarantee safe, rapid, unimpeded than entry a week of sufficient after ground humanitari­an staff members supplies”. at Lufthansa’s technical support “Practical and aviation measures training units should downed be taken tools. to That protect walkout, the safety however, of humanitari­an did not affect agencies passenger and travel. personnel and to facilitate them to deliver their relief work,” he added.


China will continue to work tirelessly Rwanda plan suffers with the internatio­nal community parliament­ary to bring an defeats early end to British the fighting Prime Minister in Gaza, Rishi alleviate Sunak the suffered humanitari­an defeats disaster, over his legislatio­n implement to the send two-state asylum-seekers solution to and Rwanda achieve after enduring the House peace of and Lords stability demanded in the greater Middle protection­s East, the ambassador to be introduced said. The before 10 non-permanent deportatio­n flights Security can Council take off. members Under the also Rwanda expressed plan, regret which at the has US yet veto to be on carried Feb 20. out, “All asylum-seekers E-10 countries who voted arrive in favor on England’s … and we southern deeply regret coast that in small, the text inflatable was vetoed,” boats Vanessa would be Frazier, sent to permanent live in Rwanda, representa­tive but so far of no Malta one to has the been UN, deported told the General because Assembly of ongoing on legal behalf challenges. of “E-10”, In the an 10 effort elected to overcome members resistance of the Security from Council. the courts, Of the Sunak’s 15 members, government 13 is council passing members legislatio­n voted through in favor parliament of the Security that would Council’s block resolution further legal on Feb challenges 20, while by the declaring UK abstained. Rwanda a so-called “As elected safe country members, for asylumseek­ers. we firmly believe that the council has the duty and the responsibi­lity to act decisively when faced with such situation,” AGENCIES VIA XINHUA she said.

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