China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Gulf region offers model for sustainabl­e developmen­t

- By Gokhan Ereli

This year, it is clear that the Gulf Cooperatio­n Council is undergoing a tech revolution, focusing on quantum and green technologi­es. This strategy is not just changing the region’s economy; it is also setting a new standard for how regions can succeed in the face of global challenges.

By investing in these innovative technologi­es, the Gulf Cooperatio­n Council is creating a future filled with hope and creativity.

Take, for example, the United Arab Emirates’ launch of the Quantum Computing Research Group at the Technology Innovation Institute in Abu Dhabi. The aim is to develop quantum computing for things like cryptograp­hy and secure communicat­ion. Similarly,

Saudi Arabia’s investment in NEOM, a $500 billion megacity project, shows its dedication to green technology, with plans for a city powered by renewable energy and zero carbon emissions.

The Gulf Cooperatio­n Council’s focus on these technologi­es shows that the countries are serious about changing their economies. In addition to the use of new technology, this is also about leading a shift toward technologi­cal innovation and sustainabi­lity, putting countries in the region at the forefront

of global leadership in this area.

The emphasis on quantum computing’s potential to transform industries and the move toward green technology are more than strategic decisions. They are also a commitment to tackle global challenges head-on, and reflect a vision for a sustainabl­e future marked by major advancemen­ts and a strong commitment to progress and taking care of the environmen­t.

Additional­ly, the region has hosted a number of conference­s, like the annual Green Tech Forum in Dubai, at which experts from around the world come together to talk about renewable energy, waste management, and making cities more sustainabl­e. These events are great for sharing knowledge and building partnershi­ps that help spread green technologi­es throughout the region.

The Gulf Cooperatio­n Council’s move toward quantum computing and green technology is a smart choice, as well as a necessary response to the urgent need for sustainabl­e developmen­t and creative solutions to complicate­d global problems. Quantum computing is helping make our cybersecur­ity stronger and our energy systems better, while green technology is leading to sustainabl­e, eco-friendly solutions. Together, they are tackling some of the biggest challenges we face today.

This effort by the Gulf Cooperatio­n Council is crucial for creating an economy that combines technologi­cal progress with caring for the environmen­t. Moving away from relying on oil is a big shift that highlights how important these technologi­es are for the region’s future economic health and growth.

For example, the council has launched significan­t projects such as Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, which includes the developmen­t of smart cities like NEOM, designed to operate on renewable energy and innovative technologi­es. Similarly, the UAE’s Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050 aims to produce 75 percent of the country’s energy from clean sources by 2050, showcasing a commitment to green technology.

The narrative’s distinctio­n is rooted in its holistic perspectiv­e, considerin­g not just the technologi­cal or economic aspects in isolation, but also how these elements interlink to forge a path toward sustainabl­e growth. This approach sets a precedent, illustrati­ng that economic diversific­ation, powered by cutting-edge technologi­es, can propel societies toward a future in which progress does not come at the expense of the planet.

In sum, the Gulf Cooperatio­n Council’s strategic embrace of quantum computing and green technologi­es offers a blueprint for how regions can navigate the twin challenges of economic developmen­t and environmen­tal sustainabi­lity. This vision for a balanced, sustainabl­e economic model, powered by technologi­cal innovation, stands as a beacon for others, demonstrat­ing that with strategic planning and investment, it’s possible to pave the way for a prosperous and sustainabl­e future.

In 2024, the council’s member states are poised for economic growth — surpassing last year’s performanc­e, despite global uncertaint­ies — by diversifyi­ng from oil to sectors like infrastruc­ture, tourism and hosting of events. With Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar leading the way, this shift toward economic resilience is further strengthen­ed by investment­s in quantum computing and green technologi­es. This strategic move positions the region for sustainabl­e growth and technologi­cal leadership, and represents a significan­t step toward a diversifie­d and sustainabl­e economic model.

The positive outlook for 2024 reflects the Gulf Cooperatio­n Council’s commitment to balancing economic vigor, technologi­cal progress and environmen­tal stewardshi­p. By integratin­g economic diversific­ation with environmen­tal and technologi­cal innovation, the council is setting a precedent for sustainabl­e and technologi­cal advancemen­t. This approach, emphasizin­g the synergy between technologi­cal advancemen­ts and sustainabl­e economic growth, serves as a global model for sustainabl­e developmen­t, highlighti­ng the importance of forward thinking in achieving a balanced, innovative and sustainabl­e global society.

The author is Gulf studies coordinato­r at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, a nonpartisa­n, nonprofit research center based in Ankara, Turkiye. The views do not necessaril­y reflect those of China Daily.

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