China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Leading light of cooperatio­n

Mutual trust and support testify to the strength of China-Djibouti friendly ties

- HU BIN The author is Chinese ambassador to Djibouti. The author contribute­d this article to China Watch, a think tank powered by China Daily. The views do not necessaril­y reflect those of China Daily.

This year marks the 45th anniversar­y of the establishm­ent of diplomatic relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Djibouti. The friendly cooperatio­n forged between the two countries since then has set a model of mutual trust, reciprocal benefit and win-win progress with the times.

First, the two countries are closely linked by a common belief in taking their destiny into their own hands. China was one of the first countries to recognize Djibouti’s independen­ce. In 1981, just two years after the establishm­ent of diplomatic ties, China began sending medical teams to Djibouti. The People’s Palace, stadium, school, inland well drilling project, regional hospital, social security housing, and national library and archives are all monuments testifying to the strength of the 45-year friendship.

Since the establishm­ent of their strategic partnershi­p in 2017, the two countries have consolidat­ed their strategic mutual trust and firmly supported each other on issues concerning each other’s core interests. Increased people-to-people and cultural exchanges between the two countries have strengthen­ed the bonds of friendship. Confucius Institutes have sparked a passion for the Chinese language, the cultural essence of the two countries have enriched each other, and the cooperatio­n between sister cities has made steady progress.

Second, the two countries are committed to seeking independen­t developmen­t paths suited to their own national conditions. Based on the high compatibil­ity between Vision Djibouti 2035 and the Belt and Road Initiative, the two sides have jointly built flagship projects such as the Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway, Doraleh Multipurpo­se Port and Djibouti Internatio­nal Free Trade Zone, providing a strong boost to Djibouti’s goal of being the “Red Sea lighthouse”. The long-term cooperatio­n between the two sides in a wide range of areas such as health, food security, safe water, school constructi­on, social security housing, personnel training, job creation and a series of projects has greatly promoted the well-being of the local people. In recent years, the two sides have stepped up cooperatio­n under the framework of the Global Developmen­t Initiative to promote sustainabl­e and inclusive developmen­t.

Third, strengthen­ing internatio­nal solidarity and promoting peace and developmen­t are the two countries’ common goals. Djibouti has always had an important position and influence in the Horn of Africa. China has put forward the Concept of Peaceful Developmen­t in the Horn of Africa to support regional countries in resolving African issues in an African way and promoting peace and sustainabl­e developmen­t in the region. Cooperatio­n on the implementa­tion of this vision opens up a new dimension of high-level cooperatio­n between the two countries, from promoting bilateral cooperatio­n to maintainin­g regional stability. In a turbulent and changing world full of destabiliz­ing factors and uncertaint­ies, as the largest developing country, China is well aware of its responsibi­lities. While striving for its own developmen­t and benefiting its own people, China is also committed to upholding world peace and promoting common developmen­t. In this regard, China has received valuable support from the vast number of developing countries, including Djibouti. In this sense, China, Djibouti and other developing countries that cherish national sovereignt­y and independen­ce and pursue their own developmen­t in a more equitable and just internatio­nal environmen­t are important balancing forces for effectivel­y responding to and restrainin­g turbulence, instabilit­y and inequality in the world. China-Djibouti cooperatio­n will undoubtedl­y make new contributi­ons to regional and world peace.

As China and Djibouti commemorat­e their 45th anniversar­y of the establishm­ent of diplomatic relations, a new era of collaborat­ion and developmen­tal opportunit­ies emerges. At the Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs in December, China systematic­ally expounded its position and propositio­ns on promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, including advocating an equal and orderly multi-polar world and economic globalizat­ion that benefits all. Chinese modernizat­ion will make new contributi­ons to addressing global challenges.

Over the past year or so, the two heads of state have met on multiple occasions including the China-Arab States Summit, the BRICS Plus Dialogue and the ChinaAfric­a Leaders’ Dialogue, outlining a blueprint for further developing the strategic partnershi­p between the two countries in the new era. The ninth Forum on ChinaAfric­a Cooperatio­n will be held in China this year, when China and African countries including Djibouti will discuss the future developmen­t plan. China and Djibouti will hold a series of celebratio­n activities, including closer high-level exchanges, promoting practical cooperatio­n, and strengthen­ing exchanges and cooperatio­n between political parties, legislatur­es, sister cities and peoples. With the joint efforts of the two sides, ChinaDjibo­uti relations will open a new chapter, better benefit the two countries and their peoples, and make new contributi­ons to peace and prosperity in the world and the region.

With the joint efforts of the two sides, ChinaDjibo­uti relations will open a new chapter, better benefit the two countries and their peoples, and make new contributi­ons to peace and prosperity in the world and the region.


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