Chicago Sun-Times


Chicago resident celebrates 107th birthday, shares her secret to long, healthy life


The secret to turning 107? Eating healthy and staying active.

At least, it’s worked for Francisca “Paquita” Morales, who celebrated her 107th birthday on Friday surrounded by family and friends.

Morales was born June 6, 1917, but says she doesn’t feel a day older than 15.

She was raised alongside eight siblings on a farm in Palos Blancos, a neighborho­od in Corozal, Puerto Rico. There, Paquita spent her childhood and the better part of her adult years growing and harvesting coffee and bananas to sell at the local market.

At that same farm, she also raised her five children.

Morales credited her long life to good food, exercise and waking up grateful for the blessings in her life.

“I’ve got some pains here and there but I feel so happy and blessed,” she said. “I’m grateful to God because He’s helped me wake up every day, a day older.”

Morales moved to Chicago in 1970 and settled with her children in the Humboldt Park neighborho­od, where she still lives.

For several years she worked at a factory, packing olives, but once her grandchild­ren were born, she retired and helped raise them while her children worked.

“Chicago is my home,” she said. Maria Vazquez, at age 70 the secondyoun­gest daughter, said she’ll always be grateful for everything her mother has done for her and her family.

“I’m grateful to have been given a mother like her. She’s always been a fighter and a hard worker,” Vazquez said. “She worked hard on the farm to provide for us. She’s a woman of faith and I’m proud to have a mother like her. She’s a legend.”

Mayor Brandon Johnson sent a letter congratula­ting her, and Ald. Jessie Fuentes (26th) was among the two dozen or so gathered to celebrate.

“Paquita brings joy to her family and her friends,” Fuentes said. “A few months ago I spent time with her, learning about her life. Those 45 minutes were some of the happiest of my life.”

Plenty of family and friends were present, some of whom traveled from out of state.

“I was here for her 100th birthday and now for her 107th. I can’t believe it,” said greatgrand­son Christophe­r Pimentel, 27, who flew to Chicago from Puerto Rico. (Pimentel is among 40 great-grandchild­ren, along with 13 grandchild­ren).

Morales shared laughs and even showcased her dance moves to the music played by a band before blowing out the candles on her pink-frosted cake.

Morales thanked everyone for coming to her party and said she hopes others will take her advice and remember to always live life with joy.

“I hope to be an example to my family — to always be happy and make others feel happy too,” she said.

 ?? JIM VONDRUSKA/ FOR THE SUN-TIMES ?? LEFT: Morales dances Friday at the celebratio­n at the Plaza Taino Apartments in Humboldt Park.
JIM VONDRUSKA/ FOR THE SUN-TIMES LEFT: Morales dances Friday at the celebratio­n at the Plaza Taino Apartments in Humboldt Park.
 ?? ?? ABOVE: Francisca “Paquita” Morales blows out the candles on her cake at her 107th birthday party.
ABOVE: Francisca “Paquita” Morales blows out the candles on her cake at her 107th birthday party.

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