Chicago Sun-Times

Signature Room space sold — but another restaurant is off the table


The operator of the observatio­n deck at the former John Hancock Center has bought the space that housed the famed Signature Room — months after that restaurant abruptly closed.

360 Chicago’s observatio­n deck on the 94th floor of the building, now known simply as 875 N. Michigan, will not be impacted by the constructi­on of whatever the former restaurant and lounge space on the 95th and 96th floors will be transforme­d into, the company said in a statement.

But the company did take one thing off the table, saying there will be no new restaurant in the 30,000-square-foot space.

“We’re exploring a number of options for the space at this time,” 360 Chicago Managing Director Nichole Benolken said in a statement. “Our team is in the very early developmen­t stages, and we’ll have more informatio­n to share in the coming months.”

The new space is expected to open in 2026, Benolken said.

Magnificen­t Mile Associatio­n CEO Kimberly Bares said the purchase affirms “investing on Michigan Avenue is a good business decision.”

“Every one of these purchases and investment­s is further evidence of the rebound that Michigan Avenue is experienci­ng,” Bares said. “We are a district on the rise and we don’t look in the rearview mirror much these days, we’re focused on the future, and this is more good news.”

The high-end restaurant and lounge near the top of the 100-story skyscraper offered unmatched views, setting itself as a long popular spot for romantic dinners and special celebratio­ns.

After three decades in business, the Signature Room closed in September, with its owners citing “severe economic hardship” spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The famed restaurant also closed its doors on a sour note for workers.

Unite Here Local 1, which represente­d the 132 workers at the Signature Room and its lounge, filed a lawsuit against the business claiming the restaurant closed without proper notice. Workers said they were notified of the closure that same morning.

A judge eventually ruled in the union’s favor, awarding the workers $1.5 million in back pay and benefits.

 ?? SUN-TIMES FILES ?? Part of the Signature Room dining area in 1999.
SUN-TIMES FILES Part of the Signature Room dining area in 1999.

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