Chicago Sun-Times

Illinois’ use of cameras that read license plates amounts to ‘dragnet surveillan­ce,’ suit alleges


A lawsuit accuses Illinois State Police and state officials of operating an unconstitu­tional “system of dragnet surveillan­ce” through license plate reading cameras which track motorist’s whereabout­s.

The suit, filed last week by Cook County residents Stephanie Scholl and Frank Bednarz, names the state police, Gov. J.B. Pritzker and Attorney General Kwame Raoul as defendants.

“Defendants are tracking anyone who drives to work in Cook County — or to school, or a grocery store, or a doctor’s office, or a pharmacy, or a political rally, or a romantic encounter, or family gathering — every day, without any reason to suspect anyone of anything, and are holding onto those whereabout­s just in case they decide in the future that some citizen might be an appropriat­e target of law enforcemen­t,” the suit states.

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, “challenges the warrantles­s, suspicion less, and entirely unreasonab­le” tracking as a violation of the Fourth and Fourteenth amendments.

The cameras — known as automated license plate readers — are described by many in law enforcemen­t as essential in their work, and they have been proliferat­ing over the last decade. The devices use software to scan the license plates of every passing car, recording the date, time, GPS coordinate­s and even pictures.

The majority of large police department­s in the country now use them. Automated license plate readers in Chicago log 200 million license plates a year, giving police a detailed pattern about the daily habits of motorists and offering real-time alerts about cars wanted in crimes.

In 2021, the Illinois State Police was awarded more than $12 million in grant money to expand its network of high-definition surveillan­ce cameras after a surge in expressway shootings.

According to the suit, the images taken by ISP’s cameras are stored in the Motorola Law Enforcemen­t Archival Reporting Network for 90 days, but that retention limit can be changed at any time.

The state police, Raoul and Pritzker’s offices did not immediatel­y respond to requests for comment.

The lawsuit seeks an order barring the state from operating its current license plate reader network and for no additional cameras to be installed.

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