Chicago Sun-Times

Cicada-infused Malört shots are all the buzz at Lombard brewpub


Want to try a shot that won’t be around for another 17 years?

A suburban brewpub is pouring up shots of cicada-infused Malört to celebrate the arrival of two adjacent broods of the insect in Illinois.

Noon Whistle Brewing in Lombard got the idea to create the creepy drink as a fun way to spread the word of the establishm­ent via social media. Their twist on Malört, an iconic Chicago spirit made of wormwood known for its bitter, slightly grapefruit taste, uses real bugs collected in a wooded park neighborin­g the restaurant.

They’re $5 each and have “a flavor reminiscen­t of succulent lobster,” according to an announceme­nt posted Tuesday morning on Instagram.

“Everyone already hates Malört, so it’s like, let’s just make it even worse,” said Joey Giardinier­a, the restaurant’s creative director.

The infused shot will be around for two or three weeks, he said in a phone interview late Tuesday with the Sun-Times.

“It’s exactly akin to the worm in a tequila bottle, except it’s absolutely Midwestern,” he noted.

The live cicadas are collected using gloves and tossed into a freezer for a “humane death,” Giardinier­a said. Then, they’re rinsed off and sanitized in a highABV (alcohol by volume) spirit like vodka. The bugs are finally cooked thoroughly to ensure food safety before being placed in a bottle of Malört to start the infusion process.

In the past, Noon Whistle has made other Malört concoction­s for laughs and online engagement from Malört enthusiast­s and haters alike, including a Malört lager and a Pizza-lört.

“People think that because we get so much traction on Instagram, that we make so much money off of it,” Giardinier­a said. “But it honestly will probably sell maybe, like, two or three bottles worth of shots.”

Cicada shot drinkers beware: The insects contain shellfish allergens.

 ?? ?? The cicada-infused Malört shots at Noon Whistle Brewing in Lombard sell for $5 each.
The cicada-infused Malört shots at Noon Whistle Brewing in Lombard sell for $5 each.

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