Chattanooga Times Free Press

School districts race to invest in cooling solutions as facilities heat up


Ylenia Aguilar raised her sons in Arizona, so they’re no strangers to scorching heat.

She remembers “seeing soccer kids and my own children pass out and faint from, you know, heatrelate­d illnesses.”

Schools across the U.S. are carpeted in heat-absorbing asphalt and lack shade. The buildings were often made with materials that radiated heat into indoor spaces. Children are more vulnerable to heat illness than adults, and extreme temperatur­es affect learning, performanc­e and concentrat­ion. Heat-related school closures are becoming more frequent.

The burden of extreme heat is not felt equally. Low-income neighborho­ods and communitie­s of color can be as much as 7 degrees hotter than richer and whiter neighborho­ods.

Yet there are well-known ways to cool down schools and neighborho­ods.

In 2022, students at a school near Atlanta pointed thermomete­rs onto their basketball court and got a reading of 105 degrees. A roofing manufactur­er donated a solar-reflective coating and helped them paint it on. They took another reading. This time it was 95 degrees.

Paved surfaces get really hot in the sun. They absorb solar energy and slowly re-radiate it out as heat, increasing air temperatur­es by as much as 7 degrees.

Cooling playground­s and roads by making them more reflective is not new, but interest has been growing along with more understand­ing of the way the accumulati­on can affect neighborho­ods, known as urban heat islands, said Daniel Metzger, a fellow at Columbia Law School.

The Science, Arts and Entreprene­urship School recently had that same cool surface painted on their parking lot. Both times, the coatings and labor were donated. Without that, the school would have had to raise funds, said Scott Starowicz, the school’s co-founder and chief financial officer.

East of Los Angeles, roofs across the Chaffey Joint Union High School District once reached 140 degrees. Warm roofs mean upper-floor classrooms could get hot, which would affect a lot of Chaffey’s students, nearly 65% of who are Latino or Hispanic.

Chaffey has spent $11.4 million in bond money and maintenanc­e funds to convert asphalt shingle roofs to white cool roofing since 2017.

These roofs — as well as window films, paints and other technologi­es — reflect part of the incoming solar radiation away from a building, rather than allowing it to transfer inside as heat. These are some of the easiest and least costly actions a district can take.

Experts agree cool roofing lowers indoor temperatur­e and reduces the need for AC.

The district has also invested in steel shade structures, trees and temperatur­e devices to monitor heat stress.

On hot days, Sharon Gamson Danks remembers seeing her kids and their peers sitting in the shade along the edges of their school building.

More schools are tearing out hot asphalt, turf or rubber mats in favor of grass, gardens, mulch or trees. Experts say trees are one of the best ways to cool things down.

At Parkway Elementary in Sacramento, trees replaced turf this summer thanks to a grant. The project is part of a California schoolyard forests effort to increase tree canopy in public schools, especially in underserve­d communitie­s.

For the hottest schools, these solutions are often out of reach.

Federal agencies offer grants, but they often don’t cover the full cost, and schools sometimes don’t have the staff to apply for and manage grants. Increased maintenanc­e costs are also a concern.

 ?? AP PHOTO/MIKE STEWART ?? Ronnie Jefferies paints the parking lot Wednesday in Mableton, Ga., at Science, Arts and Entreprene­urship School to help cool it by making it more reflective.
AP PHOTO/MIKE STEWART Ronnie Jefferies paints the parking lot Wednesday in Mableton, Ga., at Science, Arts and Entreprene­urship School to help cool it by making it more reflective.

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