Boston Herald

Dating app turns into crime case

- By Flint McColgan flint.mccolgan@bostonhera­ld. com

A Dorchester man is charged with kidnapping and unarmed robbery following an alleged encounter that could be described as a nightmare first date.

Boston Police responded to an unarmed robbery call and found the unidentifi­ed, male victim walking down Neponset Avenue a little after 2 a.m. Friday. The victim told officers that he met a man on the Grindr app — a dating and hookup website for gay men — and had agreed to meet him at his Neponset Avenue apartment for sex. When the man arrived, however, the host demanded money for sex, prosecutor­s say — and the scene got a little intense when he refused.

Later that day, the host of that alleged meet-up, identified by prosecutor­s as Anthony Brimage, 28, was charged in Dorchester District Court with kidnapping and unarmed robbery. Judge Samir Zaganjori ordered Brimage held in lieu of $1,000 bail. Brimage is due back in court on April 5.

“A person can be robbed on the spot of cash now even if, as in this case, they’re not carrying any,” Suffolk District Attorney Kevin Hayden said in a statement. “The suspect here used technology to meet the victim and then used technology to rob the victim. We are seeing these types of incidents more and more. I urge everyone using dating sites to be cautious, especially when meeting someone for the first time in a non-public setting.”

Prosecutor­s say that Brimage “immediatel­y cornered” the alleged victim “and pinned him against the wall.” Brimage, the victim told police, yelled at him to send $50 via Apple Pay, which the victim did out of fear.

“If you can send me $50, you must have money, so send me another $50,” Brimage then allegedly demanded, and brought in his roommate as a threatenin­g backup.

The victim wasn’t allowed to leave until he sent the money. Police say that the first payment was sent at 1:49 a.m. and the second payment was sent at 1:57 a.m.

 ?? MARTIN BUREAU — AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? The Grindr app was used in a crime, BPD reports.
MARTIN BUREAU — AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES The Grindr app was used in a crime, BPD reports.

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