Boston Herald

Offshore wind farm churning

- By Chris Van Buskirk cvanbuskir­k@bostonhera­ld. com

A wind farm located miles off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard delivered enough power to the New England electric grid to power 30,000 homes in Massachuse­tts, the Healey administra­tion said.

Five turbines generating 68 megawatts of power is a sharp increase over the 5 megawatts a single turbine delivered at the start of the year and marks a major milestone in Massachuse­tts’ goal to ramp up clean energy production amid the ever growing threat of climate change.

The wind farm, known as Vineyard 1, is planned to grow to 62 turbines that are expected to have the capacity to generate 806 megawatts, enough electricit­y for more than 400,000 homes and businesses across the state, according to state officials.

But even with roughly 8.4% of total power flowing, Vineyard Wind CEO Klaus Moeller said the “surge of clean power” to the Massachuse­tts grids propels the country into “a new era of energy production.”

“These 68 megawatts are powering thousands of homes and (businesses) right now, while also providing a glimpse at our clean energy future. Working together with our partners throughout the commonweal­th, we are turning the promise of our industry into reality,” Moeller said in a statement.

The road to wind-generated energy in Massachuse­tts has not been easy, and even producing power from the few turbines that are operationa­l has hit delays in the past year.

Avangrid officials first projected the wind farm would generate up to 300 megawatts of electricit­y by the end of 2023 and be fully up-and-running by mid-2024. But the end of year came and went without a first transmissi­on, which was eventually achieved at the start of January.

Gov. Maura Healey’s administra­tion said Vineyard Wind 1 is the first large-scale offshore wind farm in the United States to “begin initial operations,” something the governor cheered as a “turning point in the clean energy transition.”

“After many decades of advocacy, research, policymaki­ng, and finally constructi­on, America’s offshore wind industry has gone from a dream to reality,” Healey said in a statement. “Across Massachuse­tts, in 30,000 homes and businesses, when you turn on the light, you will now be using clean, affordable energy. This will make the air we breathe safer and healthier, save customers money, and bring us one step closer to achieving net-zero emissions.”

The offshore wind farm is 14 miles off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard and when complete, will create 3,600 full-time jobs and save customers an estimated $1.4 billion over the first 20 years of operation, state officials said.

As climate change continues to impact everyday life, the wind farm is projected to reduce carbon emissions by more than

1.6 million metric tons annually, the equivalent of taking about 325,000 cars off the road every year, according to the Healey administra­tion.

 ?? WORLDVIEW FILMS VIA VINEYARD WIND ?? The wind farm off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard generated enough electricit­y to power 30,000 homes, state officials said.
WORLDVIEW FILMS VIA VINEYARD WIND The wind farm off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard generated enough electricit­y to power 30,000 homes, state officials said.

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