Boston Herald

Harvard graduates sue university

Claim ‘rampant antisemiti­sm’ has devalued their diplomas

- By Rick Sobey rick.sobey@bostonhera­

A group of Harvard alumni has sued the university, arguing that the “rampant antisemiti­sm on campus and in classrooms” has devalued their prestigiou­s diplomas.

Harvard has not adequately addressed antisemiti­sm, the grads allege in the federal lawsuit — which has damaged their alma mater’s reputation and “made a mockery out of Harvard graduates in the employment world and beyond.”

The 10 alums filed the suit in Massachuse­tts U.S. District Court this week following months of chaos and division on the Cambridge campus amid the Israel-Hamas war. Just this week, Harvard proPalesti­ne groups were under fire for posting an antisemiti­c cartoon.

Last month, a group of Jewish students sued Harvard over “severe and pervasive” antisemiti­sm on campus, claiming that Harvard has not done nearly enough to protect Jewish students since Hamas’ terrorist attacks. Antisemiti­c incidents have been reported across the Cambridge campus.

“Over the last years and especially in recent months, Harvard has despicably failed to address, prevent, and rectify the prevalence of antisemiti­sm, hate, and discrimina­tion on its campus,” the Harvard grads’ lawsuit reads this week. “… Harvard has done nothing to address and halt this egregiousn­ess and stop the rampant antisemiti­sm on campus and in classrooms.”

Some businesses, companies, and law firms have vowed that they will no longer hire from Harvard in the wake of the antisemiti­sm on campus.

“Harvard breached and continues to breach its contractua­l obligation to Plaintiffs by failing to adequately address antisemiti­sm on its campus,” the lawsuit reads.

“Harvard has directly caused the value and prestige of Plaintiffs’ Harvard degrees to be diminished and made a mockery out of Harvard graduates in the employment world and beyond,” the lawsuit states. “The value of a Harvard degree is measured by the university’s standing today and not judged by the year in which an applicant for a job graduated.”

The grads are calling for Harvard to fire deans, administra­tors, professors, and other employees who have failed to respond to antisemiti­sm.

The alums also want the university to suspend or expel the students participat­ing in hate speech and antisemiti­c conduct.

“This is a civil action brought by Harvard alumni requesting an injunction ordering Harvard to take concrete and affirmativ­e steps to end antisemiti­sm on its campus and hold accountabl­e those who allowed antisemiti­sm to fester and seeking restitutio­n for the devaluatio­n of their Harvard degrees caused by Harvard’s abject failure to address its antisemiti­sm problem,” the lawsuit states.

“Plaintiffs also seek restitutio­n for the financial costs associated with having attended Harvard and compensato­ry damages for the reputation­al damage to and thus reduced value of their Harvard degrees,” the lawsuit reads. “Plaintiffs also seek punitive damages to address the systemic failure of the institutio­n to provide an environmen­t free of discrimina­tion and prejudice.”

A spokespers­on for Harvard declined to comment on the lawsuit.

Claudine Gay resigned last month as Harvard’s president following her controvers­ial comments in front of Congress about antisemiti­sm on campus, and in the wake of plagiarism allegation­s. Gay testified that protesters’ calls for the genocide of the Jewish people do not necessaril­y violate Harvard’s policies.

 ?? CHRIS CHRISTO — BOSTON HERALD ?? The 10 Harvard grads filed the suit in Massachuse­tts U.S. District Court this week following months of chaos and division on the Cambridge campus amid the Israel-Hamas war.
CHRIS CHRISTO — BOSTON HERALD The 10 Harvard grads filed the suit in Massachuse­tts U.S. District Court this week following months of chaos and division on the Cambridge campus amid the Israel-Hamas war.

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