Boston Herald

Joe Biden’s shrinkflat­ion blame game

- By Veronique De Rugy Veronique de Rugy is senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.

President Joe Biden wants to remind you that your Super Bowl party was more expensive than it used to be. The reason, he claims, is corporate greed and “shrinkflat­ion.” In a social media video before Sunday night’s game, he spoke of companies selling “smaller-than-usual products where the price stays the same.” He opposes this behavior and is “calling on the big consumer brands to put a stop to it.”

That’s quite an amazing move. There’s a straight line between shrinkflat­ion, inflation and the Biden administra­tion’s own fiscal irresponsi­bility.

Shrinkflat­ion is real. It happens when companies reduce the size or quantity of their products while maintainin­g the same sticker price, effectivel­y raising the real price. In this case, Biden points the finger at the snackfood and sports-drink industries as two main culprits.

The wave of shrinkflat­ion came in response to the rise in inflation the country experience­d starting in 2021. I am baffled that the president would make such a big deal out of it now. While inflation has declined, the price of food is up by 20% on average since February 2021. Chicken and bread are up 25%, and rents are still mightily elevated.

These higher prices explain why voters continue to express plenty of frustratio­n about the economy despite low unemployme­nt, positive economic growth and rising wages.

In the end, the president’s rant against companies is a weak attempt to distract us from the fact that his (and his predecesso­r’s) excessive spending policies during the pandemic caused the inflation. My former co-worker William Beach, who used to lead the Bureau of Labor Statistics, looks at the question in detail in a new Economic Policy Innovation Center brief titled “Is Inflation the Result of Excessive Deficit Spending?”

As Beach reminds us, total federal deficits from 2020 through 2023 amounted to $8.8 trillion.

These are the largest peacetime deficits in U.S. history, and they include a lot of spending passed by Biden after most of the pandemic crisis was averted and the economy was recovering.

This influx of deficit dollars led to a 25.4% increase in Americans’ bank assets between 2020 and 2021, translatin­g into a significan­t rise in lending. Consumer loans increased by 19.2%, real estate loans by 12.1%, and total loans by 13.7%. This was the most substantia­l lending jump since the period leading up to the Great Recession. Additional­ly, a broad measure of the money supply grew by $5.4 trillion between March 2020 and April 2022 — about a third of U.S. GDP at that time.

Beach rightfully notes that alternativ­e explanatio­ns for inflation — such as supply-chain disruption­s, price gouging and Modern Monetary Theory arguments tied to the wishful idea that government spending shouldn’t concern us — aren’t credible. The same goes for blaming shrinkflat­ion on companies’ greed as opposed to a government that injected the economy with excessive purchasing power and brought about an inflation crisis, leaving all of us to find ways to adjust.

Beach’s report reminds us that while politician­s are responsibl­e for initiating the recent inflation, they also possess the means to stop it.

Congress could get serious about cutting spending. Blaming companies for inflationa­ry price hikes is both wrong and cowardly.

 ?? SCOTT OLSON — GETTY IMAGES/TNS ?? President Joe Biden speaks to guests at Ingeteam Inc., an electrical equipment manufactur­er, in August 2023 in Milwaukee. Biden used the opportunit­y to speak about his “Bidenomics” economic plan on the one-year anniversar­y of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.
SCOTT OLSON — GETTY IMAGES/TNS President Joe Biden speaks to guests at Ingeteam Inc., an electrical equipment manufactur­er, in August 2023 in Milwaukee. Biden used the opportunit­y to speak about his “Bidenomics” economic plan on the one-year anniversar­y of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.

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