Boston Herald


House seeking reports on antisemiti­c incidents

- By Rick Sobey rick.sobey@bostonhera­ld. com

Harvard University has been hit with a Congressio­nal subpoena related to a House committee’s antisemiti­sm investigat­ion into the campus, while the university is calling the subpoenas “unwarrante­d.”

The Republican-led Committee on Education and the Workforce — the House panel that grilled Harvard’s former president who later resigned following backlash — has served subpoenas to three Harvard leaders for reportedly failing to produce documents related to the committee’s antisemiti­sm probe.

Those documents include: all reports of antisemiti­c acts or incidents over the last three years on campus; and the results of any disciplina­ry processes toward Harvard students and employees who targeted Jews, Israelis, Israel, Zionists, or Zionism.

“I am extremely disappoint­ed in the path that Harvard has chosen to take in the Committee’s investigat­ion,” Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx said in a statement. “Over the course of this investigat­ion, Harvard has touted its willingnes­s to work with the Committee, citing the thousands of pages of documents it has produced.

“But, of the 2,516 pages of documents Harvard has produced in response to the Committee’s antisemiti­sm inquiry to date, at least 1,032—over 40 percent—were already publicly available. Quality—not quantity—is the Committee’s concern,” the North Carolina Republican added.

The subpoenas are addressed for Harvard Corporatio­n Senior Fellow Penny Pritzker, Interim President Alan Garber, and Harvard Management Company’s CEO N.P. Narvekar.

“Last week, I made it very clear to Harvard that the documents it had produced up to that point were severely insufficie­nt,” Foxx said. “I warned that a subpoena would be warranted if the university continued to miss the mark, giving it ample opportunit­y to correct course before compulsory measures were taken.

“Unfortunat­ely, Harvard did not heed the Committee’s warning and once again failed to satisfy the Committee’s requests,” the chairwoman said, later adding, “Harvard’s continued failure to satisfy the Committee’s requests is unacceptab­le. I will not tolerate delay and defiance of our investigat­ion while Harvard’s Jewish students continue to endure the firestorm of antisemiti­sm that has engulfed its campus.”

Claudine Gay, the exprez at Harvard, resigned earlier this year in the wake of the explosive Congressio­nal testimony about antisemiti­sm on campus — and following allegation­s that she had plagiarize­d.

During Gay’s testimony, the former president refused to characteri­ze calls for the genocide of Jews as a breach of Harvard’s code of conduct. After that bombshell hearing, the committee said it was launching an investigat­ion of antisemiti­c incidents at the school.

Harvard has provided informatio­n in response to the committee’s inquiries through 10 submission­s, totaling more than 3,500 pages.

This includes seven submission­s totaling more than 2,500 pages related to the committee’s antisemiti­sm inquiry, and three submission­s totaling more than 1,000 pages related to the committee’s inquiry on the review of plagiarism allegation­s.

“Given the breadth and extensive nature of the informatio­n Harvard has provided to the Committee, it is unfortunat­e that the Committee has chosen to issue subpoenas,” a Harvard spokespers­on said in a statement. “Harvard has provided fulsome and good faith responses across 10 submission­s totaling more than 3,500 pages that directly address key areas of inquiry put forward by the Committee.

“While subpoenas were unwarrante­d, Harvard remains committed to cooperatin­g with the Committee and will continue to provide additional materials, while protecting the legitimate privacy, safety and security concerns of our community,” the spokespers­on added. “Antisemiti­sm has no place in the Harvard community. We remain steadfast in our commitment to combating antisemiti­sm, in whatever form it manifests itself and our ongoing efforts to ensure that Jewish students feel safe, valued, and embraced at Harvard.”

 ?? CHRIS CHRISTO — BOSTON HERALD ?? A Republican-led House committee has served subpoenas to three Harvard leaders.
CHRIS CHRISTO — BOSTON HERALD A Republican-led House committee has served subpoenas to three Harvard leaders.
 ?? PHOTO BY JOSEPH PREZIOSO — AFP) (PHOTO BY JOSEPH PREZIOSO/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Antisemiti­sm on the Harvard campus remains the focus on a House probe.
PHOTO BY JOSEPH PREZIOSO — AFP) (PHOTO BY JOSEPH PREZIOSO/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Antisemiti­sm on the Harvard campus remains the focus on a House probe.

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