Boston Herald

Education commission­er resigning

- By Grace Zokovitch gzokovitch@bostonhera­

Elementary and Secondary Education Commission­er Jeffrey Riley will step down next month, DESE announced — a move that follows six years of working through the “transforma­tional period” of the pandemic and recovery with contrastin­g reviews from public officials, teachers unions, and local districts.

“After six years of service, I have come to the conclusion that now is the right time for me to pass the baton,” Riley wrote in a resignatio­n letter. “More broadly, as I reflected on major new initiative­s such as the Literacy Launch, I realized the Commonweal­th needs and deserves a Commission­er who can commit on an all-in basis for at least another five years, and I simply cannot do that.”

In 2018, Riley was appointed to serve by the state education Board and Secretary of Education under the Baker administra­tion after 24 years working in Massachuse­tts schools.

In his resignatio­n letter, Riley said his role as a son to aging parents will not allow him enough time to commit to the job, but he intend to continue to be the “biggest advocate on behalf of our students.”

The outgoing commission­er cited gratitude for several accomplish­ments, including new comprehens­ive health and physical education curriculum framework, educator diversific­ation and the updated procedures for special education plans.

Riley announced he will step down from the role on March 15, but remain as an advisor through the end of the school year. He will recommend Deputy Commission­er Russell Johnston to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education to serve as the Acting Commission­er.

In a release, state officials including Gov. Maura Healey and the Secretary of Education praised Riley’s success and work through the “unpreceden­ted challenges” of and recovery from COVID-19 pandemic, advocacy for universal school meals, expansion of the Early College program, advancemen­t of Deeper Learning curriculum and more.

“During an historic time of pandemic, societal and educationa­l disruption, Commission­er Riley led the Commonweal­th’s schools by prioritizi­ng the urgent need to return children to inschool learning,” said BESE Chair Katherine Craven, listing accomplish­ments.

 ?? HERALD FILE PHOTO ?? Jeffrey Riley

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