Boston Herald

Milton faces fallout from T zoning vote

- By Lance Reynolds lreynolds@bostonhera­

Shortly after Milton residents overturned a state-mandated zoning plan, Attorney General Andrea Campbell took to social media, stating the town will now face legal repercussi­ons.

“I’m disappoint­ed that a select group of Milton residents chose to be part of the problem rather than the solution to our housing affordabil­ity crisis,” Campbell posted on X late Wednesday night. “My office has made it clear that compliance with the law is mandatory.”

Residents voted not to comply with the MBTA Communitie­s Act, which requires the roughly 175 cities and towns across Greater Boston to allow at least one zoning district “of reasonable size,” in which multi-family housing is permitted “as of right,” generally half a mile near a transit station.

Results from the town clerk showed that 54% of roughly 9,500 ballots cast during Wednesday’s referendum were against compliance. Residents initially approved a plan at Town Meeting in December after a long series of public hearings and debate between community members.

That plan would have paved the way for constructi­on of more than 2,400 housing units across a handful of neighborho­ods across town. But a group dubbed ‘Milton Neighbors for Responsibl­e Zoning’ garnered 3,000 signatures on a petition requesting the zoning article be brought in front of voters as a ballot question, prompting this week’s vote.

In a letter sent to the Select Board and town administra­tor last month, Campbell outlined how the state Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communitie­s has “expressed clearly to the town” that its eligibilit­y for a “wide variety of state funding” would be impacted if voters rejected compliance with the state law.

“We ask the Town (including its officials, employees, and agents) to preserve all records related to the Town’s considerat­ion of multifamil­y zoning generally, and the MBTA Communitie­s Act in particular, so that a complete record is available to the Attorney General’s Office and a court if, and to the extent that, an enforcemen­t action is necessary,” Campbell wrote.

 ?? HERALD FILE PHOTO ?? Shortly after Milton residents overturned a state-mandated zoning plan, Attorney General Andrea Campbell stated the town will now face legal repercussi­ons. Housing Secretary Ed Augustus added the town will lose “significan­t” state funding.
HERALD FILE PHOTO Shortly after Milton residents overturned a state-mandated zoning plan, Attorney General Andrea Campbell stated the town will now face legal repercussi­ons. Housing Secretary Ed Augustus added the town will lose “significan­t” state funding.

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