Boston Herald

Wu wants rec centers kept for kids

- By Lance Reynolds lreynolds@bostonhera­

Mayor Michelle Wu is standing firm in her stance that the state-run Melnea A. Cass Recreation­al Complex in Roxbury is not an appropriat­e site for a temporary overflow shelter for migrants and that other cities and towns in the state need to step up in the crisis.

“We should not be using community centers for migrant shelter,” Wu told reporters after an unrelated event at City Hall yesterday. “The surroundin­g community in Roxbury and the local leaders who are involved came to the table and acknowledg­ed how big of a sacrifice this would be, one that no other community has been asked to shoulder at all across Massachuse­tts.”

She added that “because it would be temporary, and because it would address a pressing emergency that everybody felt compelled to do something about with babies, pregnant women and families sleeping on the ground at Logan Airport, this community stepped up and said ‘We will once again do what no one else is doing.’”

Wu’s comments are similar to the ones she provided late last month, on the day Gov. Maura Healey confirmed her administra­tion would move forward with the plan to convert the Cass center into a temporary overflow shelter for migrants who had been spending nights at Logan Airport.

The center, as of last week, was quickly reaching its 400-person capacity, Wu said. But a spokespers­on from the state Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communitie­s told the Herald yesterday that 100 individual­s were being housed at the Cass.

Wu alluded to the neighborho­od’s willingnes­s to turn over the recreation­al center, operated by the state Department of Conservati­on and Recreation, to migrants stemming from Healey’s “firm commitment” that the shelter will close by May 31 and plan to make the facility “brand new.”

The mayor said the city expects the facility’s pool, showers and bathrooms will be renovated and staffing increased. Prior to the shelter, community groups had to scale back its programmin­g and time slots due to staffing shortages, Wu said.

 ?? STUART CAHILL — BOSTON HERALD ?? Boston Mayor Michelle Wu speaks to the media at the Lunar New Year celebratio­n held at City Hall Thursday.
STUART CAHILL — BOSTON HERALD Boston Mayor Michelle Wu speaks to the media at the Lunar New Year celebratio­n held at City Hall Thursday.

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